Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Saber
Saber, a common Spanish verb usually meaning to know in the sense of having knowledge, is highly irregular. Both the stem and the endings can take unexpected forms. Saber should not be confused with conocer, which also means to know, but in the sense of being familiar with a person. Conocer also is conjugated irregularly Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Pronouns are shown for convenience and clarity; they often are omitted in everyday speech and writing. Infinitive of Saber saber (to know) Gerund of Saber sabiendo (knowing) Participle of Saber sabido (known) Present indicative of Saber sà © (I know), tà º sabes (you know), usted/à ©l/ella sabe (you know, he/she knows), nosotros/as sabemos (we know), vosotros/as sabà ©is (you know), ustedes/ellos/ellas saben (you/they know) Preterite Indicative of Saber yo supe (I knew), tà º supiste (you knew), usted/à ©l/ella supo (you, he/she knew), nosotros/as supimos (we knew), vosotros/as supisteis (you knew), ustedes/ellos/ellas supieron (they knew) Imperfect Indicative of Saber yo sabà a (I knew), tà º sabà as (you knew), usted/à ©l/ella sabà a (you/he/she knew), nosotros/as sabà amos (we knew), vosotros/as sabà ais (you knew), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabà an (you/they knew) Future Indicative of Saber yo sabrà © (I will know), tà º sabrà ¡s (you will know), usted/à ©l/ella sabrà ¡ (you/he/she will know), nosotros/as sabremos (we will know), vosotros/as sabrà ©is (you will know), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabrà ¡n (they will know) Conditional of Saber yo sabrà a (I would know), tà º sabrà as (you would know), usted/à ©l/ella sabrà a (you/he/she would know), nosotros/as sabrà amos (we would know), vosotros/as sabrà ais (you would know), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabrà an (you/they would know) Present Subjunctive of Saber que yo sepa (that I know), que tà º sepas (that you know), que usted/à ©l/ella sepa (that you/he/she know), que nosotros/as sepamos (that we know), que vosotros/as sepà ¡is (that you know), que ustedes/ellos/ellas sepan (that you/they know) Imperfect Subjunctive of Saber que yo supiera/supiese (that I knew), que tà º supieras/supieses (that you knew), que usted/à ©l/ella supiera/supiese (that you/he/she knew), que nosotros/as supià ©ramos/supià ©semos (that we knew), que vosotros/as supierais/supieseis (that you knew), que ustedes/ellos/ellas supieran/supiesen (that you/they knew) Imperative of Saber sabe tà º (know), no sepas tà º (dont know), sepa usted (know), sepamos nosotros/as (let us know), sabed vosotros/as (know), no sepà ¡is vosotros/as (dont know), sepan ustedes (know) Present Perfect Indicative of Saber yo he sabido, tà º has sabido, usted/à ©l/ella ha sabido, nosotros/as hemos sabido, vosotros habà ©is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas han sabido (I have known, you have known, she has known, etc.) Pluperfect (Past Perfect Indicative of Saber) yo habà a sabido, tà º habà a sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habà a sabido, nosotros/as habà amos sabido, vosotros habà ais sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habà an sabido (that I had known, that you had known, that he had known, etc.) Future Perfect Indicative of Saber yo habrà © sabido, tà º habrà ¡s sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habrà ¡ sabido, nosotros/as habremos sabido, vosotros habrà ©is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrà ¡n sabido (I will have known, you will have known, she will have known, etc.) Present Perfect Subjunctive of Saber yo haya sabido, tà º hayas sabido, usted/à ©l/ella haya sabido, nosotros/as hayamos sabido, vosotros hayà ¡is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas hayan sabido (that I have known, that you have known, that he has known, etc.) Past Perfect Subjunctive of Saber yo hubiera/hubiese sabido, tà º hubieras/hubieses sabido, usted/à ©l/ella hubiera/hubieses sabido, nosotros/as hubià ©ramos/hubià ©semos sabido, vosotros hubierais/hubieseis sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas hubieran/hubiesen sabido (that I had known, that you had known, that she had known, etc.) Conditional Perfect of Saber yo habrà a sabido, tà º habrà as sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habrà a sabido, nosotros/as habrà amos sabido, vosotros habrà ais sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrà an sabido (I would have known, you would have known, he would have known, etc.) Progressive Tenses of Saber The many progressive tenses use the appropriate form estar followed by the gerund, sabiendo. It is not common, however, to use saber in a progressive form. Sample Sentences Using Forms of Saber Quiero saber lo que piensas. (I want to know what youre thinking. Infinitive.) No sà © que hacer. (I dont know what to do. Present tense.)  ¿Cuà ¡ntos aà ±os tenà as cuando supiste la siguiente informacià ³n? (How old were you when you learned the following information? Note that in the preterite tense, which is used here, conocer often means to learn or to come to know.) Està ¡bamos sorprendidos porque no sabà amos lo que habà a pasado. (We were surprised because we didnt know what had happened.) Hemos sabido por mucho tiempo que el ser humano posee el poder transformar la Tierra en formas a la vez terribles y majestuosas. (We have known for a long time that the human being has the power to transform the Earth in ways both terrible and majestic at the same time. Present perfect.) Sin muchos consejos, no sabrà amos lo que debemos estudiar. (Without a lot of advice, we wouldnt know what we should study.) Cuando veas las fotos, sabrà ¡s la verdad. (When you see the photos, you will know the truth. Future.) No me importa que Roxana sepa que soy su benefactor. (It doesnt matter that Roxana knows Im her benefactor. Present subjunctive.) Podrà a estar roto por semanas y no lo habrà an sabido. (It could be broken for weeks and they would not have known. Conditional perfect.)
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