Sunday, May 24, 2020
How to Help Your 4th Grader Write a Biography
Assignments can differ from one teacher to another, but most fourth-grade biography papers will involve a specific format. If you dont have detailed instructions from their teacher, you can follow these instructions to help your child develop a great paper. Every paper should have the following sections: Cover pageAn introductory paragraphThree body paragraphsA summary paragraph Cover Page The cover page gives the reader information about your child, their teacher, and the subject of your childs paper. It also makes the work look more polished. The cover page should include the following information: The title of your childs paperYour childs nameThe name of your childs teacher and their schoolTodays date Introductory Paragraph The introductory paragraph is where your child introduces his topic. It should contain a strong first sentence that gives the reader a clear idea of what the paper is about. If your child is writing a report about Abraham Lincoln, the opening sentence may look something like this: Abraham Lincoln once described himself as an ordinary man with an extraordinary story. The introductory sentence should be followed by a few sentences that give a little more information about the topic and lead up to your childs big claim, or thesis statement. A thesis statement is not merely a statement of fact. Rather, it is a specific claim that will be argued and defended later in the paper. The thesis statement also serves as a roadmap, giving the reader an idea of what is coming next. Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs of the biography are where your child goes into detail about their research. Each body paragraph should be about one main idea. In a biography of Abraham Lincoln, your child might write one paragraph about Lincolns childhood and another about his time as president. Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, support sentences, and a transition sentence. A topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. Support sentences are where your child goes into detail, adding more information that supports the topic sentence. At the end of each body paragraph should be a transition sentence, which links the ideas from one paragraph to another. Transition sentences help guide the reader and keep the writing flowing smoothly. Sample Body Paragraph A body paragraph may look something like this: (Topic sentence) Abraham Lincoln struggled to keep the country together when some people wanted to see it split apart. The Civil War broke out after many American states wanted to start a new country. Abraham Lincoln showed leadership skills when he led the Union to victory and kept the country from splitting in two. (Transition) His role in the Civil War kept the country together, but led to many threats to his own safety.(Next topic sentence) Lincoln did not back down under the many threats he received. . . . Summary or Conclusion Paragraph A strong conclusion restates your childs argument and sums up everything they have written. It should also include a few sentences that repeat the points your child made in each body paragraph. In the end, your child should include a final sentence that sums up the whole argument. Although they contain some of the same information, the introduction and the conclusion should not be the same. The conclusion should build on what your child has written in their body paragraphs and wrap things up for the reader. Sample Summary Paragraph The summary (or conclusion) should look something like this: Although many people in the country did not like Abraham Lincoln at the time, he was a great leader for our country. He kept the United States together when it was in danger of falling apart. He also stood brave in the face of danger and led the way to equal rights for all people. Abraham Lincoln is one of the most outstanding leaders in American history. Bibliography Your childs teacher may require a bibliography at the end of the students paper. The bibliography is simply a list of books or articles that your child used for his research. The sources should be listed in a precise format and in alphabetical order.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Saber
Saber, a common Spanish verb usually meaning to know in the sense of having knowledge, is highly irregular. Both the stem and the endings can take unexpected forms. Saber should not be confused with conocer, which also means to know, but in the sense of being familiar with a person. Conocer also is conjugated irregularly Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Pronouns are shown for convenience and clarity; they often are omitted in everyday speech and writing. Infinitive of Saber saber (to know) Gerund of Saber sabiendo (knowing) Participle of Saber sabido (known) Present indicative of Saber sà © (I know), tà º sabes (you know), usted/à ©l/ella sabe (you know, he/she knows), nosotros/as sabemos (we know), vosotros/as sabà ©is (you know), ustedes/ellos/ellas saben (you/they know) Preterite Indicative of Saber yo supe (I knew), tà º supiste (you knew), usted/à ©l/ella supo (you, he/she knew), nosotros/as supimos (we knew), vosotros/as supisteis (you knew), ustedes/ellos/ellas supieron (they knew) Imperfect Indicative of Saber yo sabà a (I knew), tà º sabà as (you knew), usted/à ©l/ella sabà a (you/he/she knew), nosotros/as sabà amos (we knew), vosotros/as sabà ais (you knew), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabà an (you/they knew) Future Indicative of Saber yo sabrà © (I will know), tà º sabrà ¡s (you will know), usted/à ©l/ella sabrà ¡ (you/he/she will know), nosotros/as sabremos (we will know), vosotros/as sabrà ©is (you will know), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabrà ¡n (they will know) Conditional of Saber yo sabrà a (I would know), tà º sabrà as (you would know), usted/à ©l/ella sabrà a (you/he/she would know), nosotros/as sabrà amos (we would know), vosotros/as sabrà ais (you would know), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabrà an (you/they would know) Present Subjunctive of Saber que yo sepa (that I know), que tà º sepas (that you know), que usted/à ©l/ella sepa (that you/he/she know), que nosotros/as sepamos (that we know), que vosotros/as sepà ¡is (that you know), que ustedes/ellos/ellas sepan (that you/they know) Imperfect Subjunctive of Saber que yo supiera/supiese (that I knew), que tà º supieras/supieses (that you knew), que usted/à ©l/ella supiera/supiese (that you/he/she knew), que nosotros/as supià ©ramos/supià ©semos (that we knew), que vosotros/as supierais/supieseis (that you knew), que ustedes/ellos/ellas supieran/supiesen (that you/they knew) Imperative of Saber sabe tà º (know), no sepas tà º (dont know), sepa usted (know), sepamos nosotros/as (let us know), sabed vosotros/as (know), no sepà ¡is vosotros/as (dont know), sepan ustedes (know) Present Perfect Indicative of Saber yo he sabido, tà º has sabido, usted/à ©l/ella ha sabido, nosotros/as hemos sabido, vosotros habà ©is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas han sabido (I have known, you have known, she has known, etc.) Pluperfect (Past Perfect Indicative of Saber) yo habà a sabido, tà º habà a sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habà a sabido, nosotros/as habà amos sabido, vosotros habà ais sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habà an sabido (that I had known, that you had known, that he had known, etc.) Future Perfect Indicative of Saber yo habrà © sabido, tà º habrà ¡s sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habrà ¡ sabido, nosotros/as habremos sabido, vosotros habrà ©is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrà ¡n sabido (I will have known, you will have known, she will have known, etc.) Present Perfect Subjunctive of Saber yo haya sabido, tà º hayas sabido, usted/à ©l/ella haya sabido, nosotros/as hayamos sabido, vosotros hayà ¡is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas hayan sabido (that I have known, that you have known, that he has known, etc.) Past Perfect Subjunctive of Saber yo hubiera/hubiese sabido, tà º hubieras/hubieses sabido, usted/à ©l/ella hubiera/hubieses sabido, nosotros/as hubià ©ramos/hubià ©semos sabido, vosotros hubierais/hubieseis sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas hubieran/hubiesen sabido (that I had known, that you had known, that she had known, etc.) Conditional Perfect of Saber yo habrà a sabido, tà º habrà as sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habrà a sabido, nosotros/as habrà amos sabido, vosotros habrà ais sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrà an sabido (I would have known, you would have known, he would have known, etc.) Progressive Tenses of Saber The many progressive tenses use the appropriate form estar followed by the gerund, sabiendo. It is not common, however, to use saber in a progressive form. Sample Sentences Using Forms of Saber Quiero saber lo que piensas. (I want to know what youre thinking. Infinitive.) No sà © que hacer. (I dont know what to do. Present tense.)  ¿Cuà ¡ntos aà ±os tenà as cuando supiste la siguiente informacià ³n? (How old were you when you learned the following information? Note that in the preterite tense, which is used here, conocer often means to learn or to come to know.) Està ¡bamos sorprendidos porque no sabà amos lo que habà a pasado. (We were surprised because we didnt know what had happened.) Hemos sabido por mucho tiempo que el ser humano posee el poder transformar la Tierra en formas a la vez terribles y majestuosas. (We have known for a long time that the human being has the power to transform the Earth in ways both terrible and majestic at the same time. Present perfect.) Sin muchos consejos, no sabrà amos lo que debemos estudiar. (Without a lot of advice, we wouldnt know what we should study.) Cuando veas las fotos, sabrà ¡s la verdad. (When you see the photos, you will know the truth. Future.) No me importa que Roxana sepa que soy su benefactor. (It doesnt matter that Roxana knows Im her benefactor. Present subjunctive.) Podrà a estar roto por semanas y no lo habrà an sabido. (It could be broken for weeks and they would not have known. Conditional perfect.)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sustainability and Waste Management Free Essays
Waste Management Sustainability is very important when it comes to our environment and the removal of our waste. Why should we remove our waste properly and what are the benefits of removing of it properly? For starters leaving waste in the environment can seriously damage wildlife kill major ecosystems and so on, not to mention the unsightliness of it and smell in our homes and neighborhoods. There are also great benefits to removing waste properly like cost to an individual it can help you save a lot of money. We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainability and Waste Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will keep are environment clean and full of life and leave the earth better for future generation. There are three simple ways that most companies use to help decrease the amount of waste we put out in the world and they are reducing, reuse, and recycle. These are three simple ways to better help our environment. Reducing is very simple if we reduce the amount of trash we use there will be less to throw away like using reseal able bags and containers that can be used again or finding ways to not use waste in the first place. Reusing is also simple like I stated above using thing over and over again will cut down on the waste we put out. Recycling is something that may be more difficult for most people to do but can help tons in waste management recycling is the simple act of taking something that was used and making it into another product that is usable for someone else. When it comes to not disposing of our waste properly and hurting wildlife most people underestimate how much throwing a piece of trash on the ground is really hurting our environment. Most people believe that if I throw this on the ground it should dissolve in a few days but that is not the case it takes up to thirty years for a piece of plastic to dissolve in the ground and over fifty years for a simple six pack holder. Disposing of waste on the ground also brings around critters that are not wanted in our environment like rats and raccoons. So just think about that for a second if there was no such thing as waste management and people simple just discarded of trash in their yards it would take many years for any of that to go away and would probably kill most of what it sits on and be harmful to any animals that come across this stuff not to mention the damage it does to trees and other plants. Leaving trash around also spreads unwanted disuses and can cause personal injury to anyone that comes into contact with it. There are also some major benefits to discarding of waste properly. The more people that recycle the cheaper it gets, also it is much cheaper to recycle than it is to remove waste and start more landfills and add to the ones we already have. When it comes to saving you some money or leaving the earth better than it was when we got here. Recycling also creates 1. 1 million jobs and grossed 236 billion dollars annually. Every time you recycle you are creating four jobs so the more people who do it create more jobs and pump more money into our economy. When we use recycled paper we saving money by buying cheaper paper and not having to cut down more trees, which everyone knows, are very important for the survival of any life. Also recycling steel can provide energy for millions of households around the globe. But also this creates jobs and improves living conditions for everyone. There really are not too many skeptics when it comes to not removing of waste properly but those we don’t really know the effects of adding improper waste to our environment. But with a little education on the issue almost everyone would be pro choice on recycling. This issue is a great one because we are talking about our future and need to keep our earth in shape for our future residents and through the act of removing waste properly we can see to it that this happens. There are many ways we can educate the youth and our population on why we should continue to use waste management Work Cited page National Recycling Coalition. Waste Management. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Aug. 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Waste_management. Work Cited page Citation added: â€Å"Waste Management. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 22 Jan. 2008. Web. 10 Aug. 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Waste_management. Braungart, Michael. â€Å"Waste Management. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Aug. 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Waste_management. How to cite Sustainability and Waste Management, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Goodman brown Essay Example For Students
Goodman brown Essay Young Goodman Brown is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an excellent piece that clearly illustrates Sigmund Freud theory of repression through Young Goodman Browns faith in his puritan religion. Brown in his unconscious mind is, however, challenged by the evils which surround him that he tries to repress and thus, a battle between good vs. evil surfaces. Growing up as a dedicated puritan, Young Goodman Brown was raised under strict religious guidelines that he must obey wholly according to his religion. He married a lovely woman named Faith within his deeply religious community. Faith is Young Goodman Browns dear wife, but also serves as a symbol for his commitment to the puritan religion. In Freud theory of repression, Faith and his religion serves as his repression in Goodman Browns mind. The story starts off with Young Goodman Brown heading out to the forest to run some errands. Faith tries to convince Goodman Brown not to go and stay here with her. With Faiths gentle voice she whispers, prithee put off your journey until sunrise and sleep in your own bed tonight. That is just like Browns religious beliefs in his mind trying to stop himself from going into the forest. Of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee. said brown- indicating he must head into the forest tonight but without any specific reason. The forest is symbolic door to Goodman Browns unconscious mind where Faith act as the repression, tries to stop Goodman Brown from going further into his mind. He disregards the repression and went ahead and opened that door into his unconscious or id. Inside his mind, he finds all these evil from his thoughts that he had repressed and locked away all these years cause of his strict religious beliefs. The evil is represented by a devil he met in his unconscious mind. The devil holds in his hands a staff that resembles a serpent is similar to the story of Adam and Eve where the snake leads them away from being the purest of man and in Young Goodman Brown where the devil with the serpent staff leads Brown deeper into the forest. All his thoughts that were considered wrong by his religion were repressed and forgotten. These thoughts which he thought were forgotten are actually locked deep into the forest part of his mind and the opening of that door will only take a matter of time before the mind cant take anymore. Once the door creaks open from the pressure of the thoughts, the person becomes hysterical unless a method of mental solution provided in Freud theory is utilized. Proven by Sigmund Freud, hysteria is not at all physical and is indeed a mental condition. Young Goodman Brown became hysterical after his visit into his forest or id. He cannot accept that even with his pure good heart, there was such evil in his unconscious. So with every thought that he was taught wrong by his religion, he simply just repressed it into his id or unconscious minds. And after he explored his id, Brown realize he wasnt as pure as he hoped he would be. He returned bitter, stern, and distrustful towards his community. He became anti-social and ignored everything and everyone around him including his wife, Faith. The 3 solutions to cure hysteria are 1. Person maybe convinced that it was wrong in rejecting their wish and accepts it wholly or in part 2. or the wish maybe directed to unobjectionable aim 3. or rejection of the wish may be recognized as a justifiable one. If one of the three methods of solution in Freuds theory was used, Young Goodman Brown would still be well.
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