Wednesday, August 26, 2020
An analysis of Trainspotting Essay Example
An examination of Trainspotting Essay Example An examination of Trainspotting Paper An examination of Trainspotting Paper Scene Analysis: The initial discourse of the film Trainspotting is joined by a quick soundtrack visual style. It opens with a scene of the movies principle character, Mark Renton, hopping over a vehicle and running down the road from the store he just burglarized, the desire to move quickly all through the film is built up right away. Aurally there is Rentons Choose Life discourse and Iggy Pops Lust for Life playing as the soundtrack. In Throughout the discourse Renton is dismissing the elitist culture of a family unit, material belongings, a paying activity, and dental protection, he is revolting, however this isnt simply the typical offense of youth as it is a more profound, increasingly unavoidable disappointment with a culture he sees as wiped out and smothering. The melody Lust for Life plays nearly completely, and the brisk altering during this arrangement between the running down the road, a soccer coordinate, Renton dropping from shooting smack, and a scene in Mother Superiors level. These disparate scenes are completely interconnected by the tune and Rentons proceeding with clever portrayal. These initial six scenes, until the point that Renton first attempts fruitlessly to stop heroin without any weaning period, are altered with fast camera cuts and associated by the soundtrack. When Renton first enters the bar where he utilizes the most exceedingly awful latrine in Scotland, we are welcomed just because with the perspective shots. Through Rentons eyes, we see the exhausted essences of the individuals in the bar, the long and nerve racking passage to the restroom, lastly the loathsome can itself. Over the soundtrack, we hear an old style styled instrumental piece. Trainspotting utilizes this music to make an amusing background to the movies disturbing latrine scene. The mix of the lovely music and a disgusting scene makes the scene important. The can scene likewise speaks to the main utilization of an illusory scene, however later scenes of Rentons detoxification were more grounded here. The plunging down into the can by Renton looks unreasonable, and the water underneath appears to be excessively perfect and blue to identified with the dim water above. It could be contended that the scene should show Renton getting away from the conditions through his brain, yet it additionally appears to be unfaithful to Irvine Welshs epic and debilitates the scene. When Renton is at the entryway of the room that holds the twisted can, we see carefully composed over the restroom entryway is the most exceedingly terrible can in Scotland. This is the second utilization of titles in the film, much similarly the significant characters were freeze-confined and given names over the freeze outlines in the initial scene. The utilization of titles is one more visual style of the film that the makers of the film abuse well. Boyle utilizes brisk altering all through the film to set up its excited pace and lives of the characters. This makes a sporadic feeling of narrating that can get various scenes that exist not really to push the story, however to drive the mad imperativeness and silliness of the film.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Character Of The Pardoner In Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essays
The Character Of The Pardoner In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales The Pardoner's Tale is apparently the best short account in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The story of three men that endeavor to slaughter Death, however beyond words is an account of uncommon mind, good, and silliness. These three characteristics are very obvious thinking about the real creator of these stories. What is amazing however is that the character that recounts to this awesome story is the Pardoner. There have been numerous investigations on Chaucer's characterisation of the Pardoner, the vast majority of which have focused on his irreverent mentality or on his sexuality. Be that as it may, in this article an alternate side of the Pardoner will be investigated, his funniness, his acumen, his abilities, and even his ethics. One work specifically stands apart above from others in the two its fulfillment and in the hour of its distribution. Chaucer's Pardoner by George Lyman Kittredge, distributed in 1893, blocks the current candid, post-pioneer scholarly worldview in which a significant part of the examination on the character of the Pardoner has focused on him as an eunuch and a gay. Rather Kittredge analyzes the Pardoner as a keen villain that encounters an inner good quandary during the preface, story and epilog. Kittredge's work centers around the consistency of the character of the Pardoner. Initially, the Pardoner as a trickster is inspected. For myn understanding is nat yet for to winne, Also, no thing for remedy of sinne: I rekke nevere whan that they been beried In spite of the fact that that hir soules goon a-blakeberied. That is, as Kittredge makes note, the Pardoner is just worried about his own monetary benefit. He has no worry for the reorganization of ethics or for the honesty validity of those individuals endeavoring to apologize. Additional proof of the Pardoner as a corrupt cheat is exemplified in his absence of worry for taking from poor people and starving. Al were it yiven of the most unfortunate page, Or on the other hand of the pooreste widwe in a town Al sholde hir kids sterve for starvation. It has no effect to him in the event that he is cheating widows or their destitute youngsters. Further case of the Pardoner as an irreverent character is appeared with his denounciation of the seven human sins. With regards to his deceptive and critical mentality, he is liable of each of the seven. This last segment is commonly used to show the shades of malice of the Pardoner yet rather another translation is made conceivable by his plain skepticism. The Pardoner is a funny character when he has the opputunity to act naturally as opposed to the minister that he should claim to be while leading his business. This is best appeared in the way where he reviles his training and the reagard in which he holds himself. The amusingness of the Pardoner likewise harmonizes very well with his astuteness and mind. This story shows his knowledge and mind particularly in the conversation between the three sidekicks and the elderly person. Presently sires, quod he, if that ye be so lief To finde Deeth, turne up this screwy way, For in that forest I lafte him, by my fay, Under a tree, and there he wol withstand: Nat for your lift he wol him no thing cover up. In this discourse the mates are looking for the individual of Death, while the elderly person is rather guiding them where they may discover their demises. Presently despite the fact that this is only one case of the mix of diversion and insight in the character of the Pardoner, his actual knowledge is best exemplified by the remainder of the story that encompasses this discourse. It additionally appears that the knowledge of the Pardoner has gotten known to his fell explorers. What's more, right anoon thise gentils gan to crye, Nay, lat him telle us of no ribaudye. Tel us some ethical thing that we may lere, Some mind, and thanne wol happily heere. His buddies don't need some foul kidding story, they need a keen good story and the Pardoner promptly conveys with the story of the three colleagues searching out Death. His aptitude as a speaker of stories is unquestionably awesome, and we experience him at his best in this story. His bent at narrating has likewise permitted him to show his expertise as an adroit hawker. His business has gotten him over a hundred denotes his first year,
Monday, August 17, 2020
Friday Roundup Admitted Students Day, Alumni Day, and SIPA Faculty COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Friday Roundup Admitted Students Day, Alumni Day, and SIPA Faculty COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Weve been busy talking to so many fantastic students these past few weeks, past, current and future! Graduation for the SIPA Class of 2018 is coming up in a few weeks, and its bittersweet for us to watch the students weve known since they attended their first info session, graduate and go off into the world. On the other side, weve talked to many of our newly admitted students as they figure out what life at SIPA will be like. Well be giving some peeks into student life next week on the blog. Until then, heres what weve been up to at SIPA: Its been 10 days since Admitted Students Day, our annual open house for the new MIA, MPA, and MPA-DP incoming class. We welcomed the SIPA Class of 2020 to campus for the day, allowing them to get a feel for the vibrant and busy SIPA community. This past weekend was Alumni Day, where past students reunited for informative panels and to catch up. Clockwise from the top left is the SIPA Class of 2008, Class of 2013, Class of 1998, Class of 1993 two classes celebrating their 20- and 25-year anniversaries! The years our alumni spent here as current students led to lifetime bonds around the world. Finally, were giving a huge congratulations to economist Richard Clarida, who was nominated as vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, the second-ranking position in the United States central banking system. Were excited to see the SIPA community grow in so many diverse directions. Wishing you all a great weekend!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How to Help Your 4th Grader Write a Biography
Assignments can differ from one teacher to another, but most fourth-grade biography papers will involve a specific format. If you dont have detailed instructions from their teacher, you can follow these instructions to help your child develop a great paper. Every paper should have the following sections: Cover pageAn introductory paragraphThree body paragraphsA summary paragraph Cover Page The cover page gives the reader information about your child, their teacher, and the subject of your childs paper. It also makes the work look more polished. The cover page should include the following information: The title of your childs paperYour childs nameThe name of your childs teacher and their schoolTodays date Introductory Paragraph The introductory paragraph is where your child introduces his topic. It should contain a strong first sentence that gives the reader a clear idea of what the paper is about. If your child is writing a report about Abraham Lincoln, the opening sentence may look something like this: Abraham Lincoln once described himself as an ordinary man with an extraordinary story. The introductory sentence should be followed by a few sentences that give a little more information about the topic and lead up to your childs big claim, or thesis statement. A thesis statement is not merely a statement of fact. Rather, it is a specific claim that will be argued and defended later in the paper. The thesis statement also serves as a roadmap, giving the reader an idea of what is coming next. Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs of the biography are where your child goes into detail about their research. Each body paragraph should be about one main idea. In a biography of Abraham Lincoln, your child might write one paragraph about Lincolns childhood and another about his time as president. Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, support sentences, and a transition sentence. A topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. Support sentences are where your child goes into detail, adding more information that supports the topic sentence. At the end of each body paragraph should be a transition sentence, which links the ideas from one paragraph to another. Transition sentences help guide the reader and keep the writing flowing smoothly. Sample Body Paragraph A body paragraph may look something like this: (Topic sentence) Abraham Lincoln struggled to keep the country together when some people wanted to see it split apart. The Civil War broke out after many American states wanted to start a new country. Abraham Lincoln showed leadership skills when he led the Union to victory and kept the country from splitting in two. (Transition) His role in the Civil War kept the country together, but led to many threats to his own safety.(Next topic sentence) Lincoln did not back down under the many threats he received. . . . Summary or Conclusion Paragraph A strong conclusion restates your childs argument and sums up everything they have written. It should also include a few sentences that repeat the points your child made in each body paragraph. In the end, your child should include a final sentence that sums up the whole argument. Although they contain some of the same information, the introduction and the conclusion should not be the same. The conclusion should build on what your child has written in their body paragraphs and wrap things up for the reader. Sample Summary Paragraph The summary (or conclusion) should look something like this: Although many people in the country did not like Abraham Lincoln at the time, he was a great leader for our country. He kept the United States together when it was in danger of falling apart. He also stood brave in the face of danger and led the way to equal rights for all people. Abraham Lincoln is one of the most outstanding leaders in American history. Bibliography Your childs teacher may require a bibliography at the end of the students paper. The bibliography is simply a list of books or articles that your child used for his research. The sources should be listed in a precise format and in alphabetical order.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Saber
Saber, a common Spanish verb usually meaning to know in the sense of having knowledge, is highly irregular. Both the stem and the endings can take unexpected forms. Saber should not be confused with conocer, which also means to know, but in the sense of being familiar with a person. Conocer also is conjugated irregularly Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Pronouns are shown for convenience and clarity; they often are omitted in everyday speech and writing. Infinitive of Saber saber (to know) Gerund of Saber sabiendo (knowing) Participle of Saber sabido (known) Present indicative of Saber sà © (I know), tà º sabes (you know), usted/à ©l/ella sabe (you know, he/she knows), nosotros/as sabemos (we know), vosotros/as sabà ©is (you know), ustedes/ellos/ellas saben (you/they know) Preterite Indicative of Saber yo supe (I knew), tà º supiste (you knew), usted/à ©l/ella supo (you, he/she knew), nosotros/as supimos (we knew), vosotros/as supisteis (you knew), ustedes/ellos/ellas supieron (they knew) Imperfect Indicative of Saber yo sabà a (I knew), tà º sabà as (you knew), usted/à ©l/ella sabà a (you/he/she knew), nosotros/as sabà amos (we knew), vosotros/as sabà ais (you knew), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabà an (you/they knew) Future Indicative of Saber yo sabrà © (I will know), tà º sabrà ¡s (you will know), usted/à ©l/ella sabrà ¡ (you/he/she will know), nosotros/as sabremos (we will know), vosotros/as sabrà ©is (you will know), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabrà ¡n (they will know) Conditional of Saber yo sabrà a (I would know), tà º sabrà as (you would know), usted/à ©l/ella sabrà a (you/he/she would know), nosotros/as sabrà amos (we would know), vosotros/as sabrà ais (you would know), ustedes/ellos/ellas sabrà an (you/they would know) Present Subjunctive of Saber que yo sepa (that I know), que tà º sepas (that you know), que usted/à ©l/ella sepa (that you/he/she know), que nosotros/as sepamos (that we know), que vosotros/as sepà ¡is (that you know), que ustedes/ellos/ellas sepan (that you/they know) Imperfect Subjunctive of Saber que yo supiera/supiese (that I knew), que tà º supieras/supieses (that you knew), que usted/à ©l/ella supiera/supiese (that you/he/she knew), que nosotros/as supià ©ramos/supià ©semos (that we knew), que vosotros/as supierais/supieseis (that you knew), que ustedes/ellos/ellas supieran/supiesen (that you/they knew) Imperative of Saber sabe tà º (know), no sepas tà º (dont know), sepa usted (know), sepamos nosotros/as (let us know), sabed vosotros/as (know), no sepà ¡is vosotros/as (dont know), sepan ustedes (know) Present Perfect Indicative of Saber yo he sabido, tà º has sabido, usted/à ©l/ella ha sabido, nosotros/as hemos sabido, vosotros habà ©is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas han sabido (I have known, you have known, she has known, etc.) Pluperfect (Past Perfect Indicative of Saber) yo habà a sabido, tà º habà a sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habà a sabido, nosotros/as habà amos sabido, vosotros habà ais sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habà an sabido (that I had known, that you had known, that he had known, etc.) Future Perfect Indicative of Saber yo habrà © sabido, tà º habrà ¡s sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habrà ¡ sabido, nosotros/as habremos sabido, vosotros habrà ©is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrà ¡n sabido (I will have known, you will have known, she will have known, etc.) Present Perfect Subjunctive of Saber yo haya sabido, tà º hayas sabido, usted/à ©l/ella haya sabido, nosotros/as hayamos sabido, vosotros hayà ¡is sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas hayan sabido (that I have known, that you have known, that he has known, etc.) Past Perfect Subjunctive of Saber yo hubiera/hubiese sabido, tà º hubieras/hubieses sabido, usted/à ©l/ella hubiera/hubieses sabido, nosotros/as hubià ©ramos/hubià ©semos sabido, vosotros hubierais/hubieseis sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas hubieran/hubiesen sabido (that I had known, that you had known, that she had known, etc.) Conditional Perfect of Saber yo habrà a sabido, tà º habrà as sabido, usted/à ©l/ella habrà a sabido, nosotros/as habrà amos sabido, vosotros habrà ais sabido, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrà an sabido (I would have known, you would have known, he would have known, etc.) Progressive Tenses of Saber The many progressive tenses use the appropriate form estar followed by the gerund, sabiendo. It is not common, however, to use saber in a progressive form. Sample Sentences Using Forms of Saber Quiero saber lo que piensas. (I want to know what youre thinking. Infinitive.) No sà © que hacer. (I dont know what to do. Present tense.)  ¿Cuà ¡ntos aà ±os tenà as cuando supiste la siguiente informacià ³n? (How old were you when you learned the following information? Note that in the preterite tense, which is used here, conocer often means to learn or to come to know.) Està ¡bamos sorprendidos porque no sabà amos lo que habà a pasado. (We were surprised because we didnt know what had happened.) Hemos sabido por mucho tiempo que el ser humano posee el poder transformar la Tierra en formas a la vez terribles y majestuosas. (We have known for a long time that the human being has the power to transform the Earth in ways both terrible and majestic at the same time. Present perfect.) Sin muchos consejos, no sabrà amos lo que debemos estudiar. (Without a lot of advice, we wouldnt know what we should study.) Cuando veas las fotos, sabrà ¡s la verdad. (When you see the photos, you will know the truth. Future.) No me importa que Roxana sepa que soy su benefactor. (It doesnt matter that Roxana knows Im her benefactor. Present subjunctive.) Podrà a estar roto por semanas y no lo habrà an sabido. (It could be broken for weeks and they would not have known. Conditional perfect.)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sustainability and Waste Management Free Essays
Waste Management Sustainability is very important when it comes to our environment and the removal of our waste. Why should we remove our waste properly and what are the benefits of removing of it properly? For starters leaving waste in the environment can seriously damage wildlife kill major ecosystems and so on, not to mention the unsightliness of it and smell in our homes and neighborhoods. There are also great benefits to removing waste properly like cost to an individual it can help you save a lot of money. We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainability and Waste Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will keep are environment clean and full of life and leave the earth better for future generation. There are three simple ways that most companies use to help decrease the amount of waste we put out in the world and they are reducing, reuse, and recycle. These are three simple ways to better help our environment. Reducing is very simple if we reduce the amount of trash we use there will be less to throw away like using reseal able bags and containers that can be used again or finding ways to not use waste in the first place. Reusing is also simple like I stated above using thing over and over again will cut down on the waste we put out. Recycling is something that may be more difficult for most people to do but can help tons in waste management recycling is the simple act of taking something that was used and making it into another product that is usable for someone else. When it comes to not disposing of our waste properly and hurting wildlife most people underestimate how much throwing a piece of trash on the ground is really hurting our environment. Most people believe that if I throw this on the ground it should dissolve in a few days but that is not the case it takes up to thirty years for a piece of plastic to dissolve in the ground and over fifty years for a simple six pack holder. Disposing of waste on the ground also brings around critters that are not wanted in our environment like rats and raccoons. So just think about that for a second if there was no such thing as waste management and people simple just discarded of trash in their yards it would take many years for any of that to go away and would probably kill most of what it sits on and be harmful to any animals that come across this stuff not to mention the damage it does to trees and other plants. Leaving trash around also spreads unwanted disuses and can cause personal injury to anyone that comes into contact with it. There are also some major benefits to discarding of waste properly. The more people that recycle the cheaper it gets, also it is much cheaper to recycle than it is to remove waste and start more landfills and add to the ones we already have. When it comes to saving you some money or leaving the earth better than it was when we got here. Recycling also creates 1. 1 million jobs and grossed 236 billion dollars annually. Every time you recycle you are creating four jobs so the more people who do it create more jobs and pump more money into our economy. When we use recycled paper we saving money by buying cheaper paper and not having to cut down more trees, which everyone knows, are very important for the survival of any life. Also recycling steel can provide energy for millions of households around the globe. But also this creates jobs and improves living conditions for everyone. There really are not too many skeptics when it comes to not removing of waste properly but those we don’t really know the effects of adding improper waste to our environment. But with a little education on the issue almost everyone would be pro choice on recycling. This issue is a great one because we are talking about our future and need to keep our earth in shape for our future residents and through the act of removing waste properly we can see to it that this happens. There are many ways we can educate the youth and our population on why we should continue to use waste management Work Cited page National Recycling Coalition. Waste Management. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Aug. 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Waste_management. Work Cited page Citation added: â€Å"Waste Management. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 22 Jan. 2008. Web. 10 Aug. 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Waste_management. Braungart, Michael. â€Å"Waste Management. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Aug. 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Waste_management. How to cite Sustainability and Waste Management, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Goodman brown Essay Example For Students
Goodman brown Essay Young Goodman Brown is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an excellent piece that clearly illustrates Sigmund Freud theory of repression through Young Goodman Browns faith in his puritan religion. Brown in his unconscious mind is, however, challenged by the evils which surround him that he tries to repress and thus, a battle between good vs. evil surfaces. Growing up as a dedicated puritan, Young Goodman Brown was raised under strict religious guidelines that he must obey wholly according to his religion. He married a lovely woman named Faith within his deeply religious community. Faith is Young Goodman Browns dear wife, but also serves as a symbol for his commitment to the puritan religion. In Freud theory of repression, Faith and his religion serves as his repression in Goodman Browns mind. The story starts off with Young Goodman Brown heading out to the forest to run some errands. Faith tries to convince Goodman Brown not to go and stay here with her. With Faiths gentle voice she whispers, prithee put off your journey until sunrise and sleep in your own bed tonight. That is just like Browns religious beliefs in his mind trying to stop himself from going into the forest. Of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee. said brown- indicating he must head into the forest tonight but without any specific reason. The forest is symbolic door to Goodman Browns unconscious mind where Faith act as the repression, tries to stop Goodman Brown from going further into his mind. He disregards the repression and went ahead and opened that door into his unconscious or id. Inside his mind, he finds all these evil from his thoughts that he had repressed and locked away all these years cause of his strict religious beliefs. The evil is represented by a devil he met in his unconscious mind. The devil holds in his hands a staff that resembles a serpent is similar to the story of Adam and Eve where the snake leads them away from being the purest of man and in Young Goodman Brown where the devil with the serpent staff leads Brown deeper into the forest. All his thoughts that were considered wrong by his religion were repressed and forgotten. These thoughts which he thought were forgotten are actually locked deep into the forest part of his mind and the opening of that door will only take a matter of time before the mind cant take anymore. Once the door creaks open from the pressure of the thoughts, the person becomes hysterical unless a method of mental solution provided in Freud theory is utilized. Proven by Sigmund Freud, hysteria is not at all physical and is indeed a mental condition. Young Goodman Brown became hysterical after his visit into his forest or id. He cannot accept that even with his pure good heart, there was such evil in his unconscious. So with every thought that he was taught wrong by his religion, he simply just repressed it into his id or unconscious minds. And after he explored his id, Brown realize he wasnt as pure as he hoped he would be. He returned bitter, stern, and distrustful towards his community. He became anti-social and ignored everything and everyone around him including his wife, Faith. The 3 solutions to cure hysteria are 1. Person maybe convinced that it was wrong in rejecting their wish and accepts it wholly or in part 2. or the wish maybe directed to unobjectionable aim 3. or rejection of the wish may be recognized as a justifiable one. If one of the three methods of solution in Freuds theory was used, Young Goodman Brown would still be well.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Iraqi invasion to Kuwait
Introduction The attack of Kuwait by Iraq can also be referred to as â€Å"the Iraq –Kuwait War†. This was a serious war that involved Iraq and its neighbor Kuwait, which eventually culminated to a long stalemate of approximately seven to eight months. During the period of conflict, Kuwait was controlled by Iraq.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Iraqi invasion to Kuwait specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This conflict drew international concern and the USA government got involved by sending its military to go fight against Iraq. Iraq alleged in 1990 that Kuwait was secretly tapping its oil deposits through a process known as slant drilling. Apart from this, some sources from Iraq revealed that Saddam Hussein had planned to invade Kuwait far much earlier before the real attack. Many people felt that there were so many underlying factors that could have led to Iraq’s attack on Kuwait. Causes of th e Conflict between Kuwait and Iraq Accumulated War Debts Before the â€Å"Iraq-Iran war†, Kuwait had a mutual relationship with Iraq and Kuwait even served as the main port of Iraq because Basra had been interfered with during the war. However, the cordial relationship between them turned sour soon after the war. This is because Iraq could not manage to settle the debt it had acquired from Kuwait during the war. This was because its economy was extremely strained by the war expenses. These financial disagreements caused a greet tension between the two countries. Towards the end of 1989, they tried to solve the issue amicably through a series of meetings that were chaired by leaders from the two countries. However, they could not reach a consensus and this further worsened their relationship. Economic Warfare Economic problems in Iraq also contributed to the war. After the conflict between Iran and Iraq, Saddam came up with some dubious means to reconstruct the economy of his country, which by now had seriously been ruined. In this case he wanted to raise money for his debts by simply creating unnecessary shortage of oil. This could consequently lead to high international cost of oil. Kuwait sabotaged his move by simply boosting its oil production capacity and this led to a significant fall in the oil prices internationally. These further destabilized the economy of Iraq which was already in bad shape. The government of Iraq so this as an â€Å"economic conflict†and there was also the question of the hotly contested oil field called Rumaila. Slant drilling During Iraq-Iran war, it was noticed that there was a significant drop in oil produced in Iraq’s fields while that of Kuwait drastically increased. Iraq complained that Kuwait was tapping its oil without its consent and they ordered Kuwait to compensate them, but Iraq did not accept those allegations.Advertising Looking for essay on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your firs t paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hegemonic claims by Iraq on Kuwait Iraq also envied the vast oil fields that were managed by Kuwait. They claimed that Kuwait was originally part of Iraq before the advent of European imperialism in the region of Middle East which had led to its division. They therefore claimed superiority over Kuwait. There was also a growing suspicion by Iraq that Kuwait was forging close ties with the West (USA) with a sinister motive of weakening its economy. The course of the war At this level there was a high tension and on the second of August the year 1990, the first raid was made on Kuwait’s capital city by Iraq. This marked the real onset of the popularly called the â€Å"Gulf War’’ of 1990. Within the first few days of the war, the Iraqi troops managed to annex a large portion of the Kuwait capital. They used very sophisticated machines like fighter jets and tankers and within a short period of time they managed to bring Kuwai t under their control. After winning the war, Saddam Hussein stripped off the reigning Emir from power and substituted him immediately with another. The royal family fled into the desert for security and they stayed a way for several months. While in exile, the royal family pleaded with the international community to dislodge Iraq from its occupation of Kuwait. The international community seriously condemned what Saddam had done and they ordered him to quit Kuwait. At this time the USA government was increasingly becoming weary of the possible Iraq conquest on Saudi Arabia. The UN gave Iraq a notice to withdraw its troops but it failed to do so. It is in this context that the international community mobilized military and financial resources to attack Iraq. The US government managed to remove the Iraq troops from Kuwait after fighting them tirelessly. The US government had several motives for its engagement in the war. It made the following arguments. According to US, Iraq had under mined the territorial sovereignty of Kuwait which was really unlawful. Secondly, US wanted to defend Saudi Arabia which was of great strategic importance in the region. This is because US depended on its oil exports which they did not want to lose. Iraq had also for a very longtime been violating the rights of citizens in the neighboring countries. The troops from Iraq were also engaged in several malicious activities during their occupation of Kuwait. For example they raided private properties of individuals and stole their valuables. They conducted careless torture and execution of the civilians in Kuwait. Effects of the war The outcome of the war had far reaching effects on the people of Kuwait. For example very many Kuwait citizens ran away due to the effects of the war.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Iraqi invasion to Kuwait specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the process of moving to other places, they le ft behind their investments and properties which were ravaged by the war and some were looted. Several citizens were seriously wounded during the air attacks. By the end of the war several people had died and they were well over two thousand in number. Families that lost property and loved ones during the war endured much pain, and they suffered seriously from poverty. Some of them up to day have never had the chance to restore their previous status. The government was also seriously disorganized and it took a lot of time before they could reorganize themselves. For instance the capital city was so much interfered with and several installations were damaged. This left the government with a huge financial burden to repair its ruined economy and infrastructure. The war also affected the foreign policy of Iraq. The economy of Iraq was also further strained by this war. Conclusion The analysis of the Gulf War is today very much important in our history and it has always been used as app oint of reference when discussing the crisis in the Middle East. The current state of anarchy witnessed in Iraq and other neighboring Arab countries like Afghanistan are all examples of the long term stalemates which have never been solved. The situation in Iraq at present is very bad and they have registered one of highest poverty indexes in the world. The government is also very unstable and it is always on the verge of bankruptcy. Suicide bombings have become part of life of the citizens. This is enough to explain the level of disillusionment in Iraq. Several Arab countries are also becoming less stable. At present Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan and Yemen are all undergoing serious revolutions. These are enough indicators that democracy is still along term dream for most of the Arab countries. Despite the rich oil resources in many Arab countries they are likely to remain underdeveloped due to war. It is high time they changed their attitude toward war. This essay on Iraqi invasion to Kuwait was written and submitted by user Sky Santos to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
An Investigation into the effect of Temperature on the release of Betalain from Beetroot Tissue Essays
An Investigation into the effect of Temperature on the release of Betalain from Beetroot Tissue Essays An Investigation into the effect of Temperature on the release of Betalain from Beetroot Tissue Essay An Investigation into the effect of Temperature on the release of Betalain from Beetroot Tissue Essay The aim of this investigation is to see what if any affect temperature has on the release of Betalain from beetroot tissue. To carry out this investigation I am going to need the following equipment and materials. Apparatus Electric water bath This will be needed to keep the water temperature consistent throughout the experiment at the various required temperatures. Thermometer This will be used to check that the water bath is heating accurately at the required temperatures throughout the investigation. Colorimeter This is what will measure the affect that the heat has on the membrane by measuring how much light passes through the solution. These are the apparatus that will be used to heat and record the data but in order to use these other apparatus must be used too; Test tubes Syringe (to accurately measure the fluid amounts) Cork borer (to shape the beetroot equally) Curettes Measuring cylinder Scalpel Materials Beetroot Distilled Water Method Cut out three pieces of beetroot about 2cms long using a cork borer. Place the cylinders of beetroot on a tile or board and using the scapulae cut into discs 5mm thick. Label 3 test tubes, A B C for each of the temperatures to be tested. The temperatures required are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½c Put 10cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ of distilled water in each test tube Place the three test tubes for the required temperature in the water bath and heat to the required temp if needed Check the required temp has been reached using the thermometer to measure both the water bath and the test tubes temps Place the three pieces of beetroot in the three test tubes and leave for two minuets After the time is over remove the test tubes from the water bath and using the syringe which should be clean, extract 5cl from each solution to fill up a curette for each which should also be labelled, check no pieces of beetroot are in the curette Set the Colorimeter to 0 % transmission with water Make quantitative measurements using the colorimeter and record for each Repeat method for each of the temperatures Variables INPUT Temperatures, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 80 CONTROL Beetroot size/shape, beetroot type (use same beetroot), pH amount of the water, temperature consistency, time in waterbath OUTPUT Rate of diffusion measured using colorimeter to measure concentration of dye (Betalain) in solution Explanation My input variable will be the temperature. This will be held at constant temperatures by the water bath and the temperatures changed consistently. The water temperature needs to be held consistently while the diffusing is taking place so that the rate isnt affected and it is a fair test. My control variables will be controlled in the following ways. The size/shape of the beetroot will be controlled by the cork borer and by measuring its length. This has to be done and it is important that it is done accurately because the volume to surface area needs to be the same. This is needed so the rate of diffusion is the same for each piece of beetroot before the temperature is changed. Beetroot type will be the same because I intend to use the same Beetroot unless I run out! The Beetroot will be left covered while not being used and the only pieces to be cut from it will be the ones for the temperature, which will be measured next. This will prevent any of the beetroot drying up as if the membranes dry up they will release less Betalain. It will also prevent any individual differences between the beetroots affecting the results. Distilled water will be used so as to keep the pH of the water the same. The pH needs to be consistent because it will affect the rate of diffusion, for instance a high acidic pH would denature the proteins in the membranes and completely compromise the results. The temperatures will be kept constant by the water bath as explained in the input. Output Data will be recorded by the rate of diffusion. This will be the rate at which the Betalain will have diffused from the beetroot to the solution over the given amount of time. This will be measured by the transmission of the water as read by the colorimeter. This will give an accurate reading of how great the concentration of the dye in the water will be. This can be used to work out the rate of diffusion by dividing the transmission % of the solution by the time given for the diffusion to take place. % / Time = Rate of Diffusion This is assuming the pigment release is constant Equipment Details Colorimeter, device used to compare or measure colours and their intensities. A simple colorimeter uses an optical system to place an unknown colour, such as of a chemical sample, next to a well-established colour. In more advanced devices this comparison field can be adjusted in various quantifiable ways. In some, photoelectric cells may be used to measure the transmitted light. Colorimeters are used in chemical research and in various industries, such as the manufacture of dye and paint. The Colorimeter is the best way to measure the diffusion rate with the equipment, which we have available to us. There are not many other alternatives and using eye site to measure colour would be very in accurate. The Colorimeter is very accurate providing it is set first for water having 100% transmission. It is a reliable piece of equipment, which is well suited to this investigation. Electric Water Bath, heats water to a required temperature and then maintains this temperature for as long as required. This is the best piece of equipment to use to get reliable, constant temperatures throughout the investigation. It can heat to exactly the required temperature and hold it whist the beetroot is placed in the test tubes. This would not be possible with a Bunsen Burner. The Thermometer will be used to check the reliability of the water bath. The syringe will be used to get an accurate amount of distilled water in the test tubes and then will be used to distract the solution afterwards without beetroot and placing it in a curette. The cork borer will be used to shape the beetroot consistently as explained in the method and variables. The scapulae will be used to cut the shaped beetroot into the right size and the curettes are what the colorimeter uses to read the transmission of the solution. Method Details I am going to use the following temperature ranges to collect my data; 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 ; 80à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. I have decided to use these to give me a valid and reliable set of results to analyse and draw graphs and conclusions from. I intend to start at 20à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C because this is the normal temperature of Beetroot and will give me a good basis to work from. Not only will this give me readings for the investigation at normal temperatures but with the equipment available to me it is the lowest temperature I am willing to go to. Going lower would mean having to use ice, which I dont intend to use as it would be very hard to keep constant and may impeded the results. I that two minuets should be sufficient for the diffusion to take place as Beetroot releases a large amount of betalain under normal conditions when cut. I feel that once in heated water or even in water at room temperature within two minuets enough betalain should have diffused for relevant data to be collected. I am also worried that if the Beetroot is left to long the rate of diffusion will slow and that the time taken to reach this point will decrease as the temperature increases. This would not help as my formula for working out the rate of diffusion, (transmission / time) is dependent on the pigment release being constant. I feel that allowing only two minuets for the diffusion will avoid this happening. The data collected will be taken from the solutions after the two minuets is up. The syringe, which should be clean so as not to affect the solution, will be used to extract 5cl from the solution. This will then be put into a curette, and its transmission measured by the colorimeter. No bits of Beetroot should be in the solution as this could show up on the readings. The transmissions will be recorded in a results table. These will be recorded as percentages as that is how the colorimeter reads them. They then need to be recorded as their rate of diffusion using the formulae. Each of the three rates for each temperature need then to be added up and given as an average. This is done to avoid anomalous results. if there are any outstanding anomalies then they should be removed before the averages are worked out. After the averages have been recorded graphs can be drawn up and then analysed for correlation or anomalous results. Scientific theories can then be used to explain the results and then conclude the investigation. Changes in Method There were some problems whilst collecting the results which may have an affect on the findings from them. Firstly was with the temperatures of the water baths which we heated the beetroot in; these were less reliable than I had hopped as far as keeping the water at a consistent temperature. They could not hold the water at exactly 35à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 45à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, 55à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ or 65à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C etc so temperatures were recorded from around the right temperature, and that temperature recorded with them. I would also have liked the water baths to be as consistent as possible but Im not sure they were as once they reached the required temperature they turned off. This may mean that the temperatures varied slightly over the five minuet period the beetroot was left to diffuse, however I still feel that the temperatures recorded are varied enough and close enough to the original aims to still be used to analyse and solve the problem. The Colorimeters readings may also have an affect on the results. This is because they did not always read consistently. This could be because of smudges on either on the curettes or on the lens or perhaps due to the particles moving around in the solution. I feel, however that the data collected has been accurate enough and varied enough to analyse and solve the problem fairly. I also found that two minuets did not prove a sufficient amount of time for the diffusion to take place, and so I extended the time to 10 minuets. This is because I found that I had underestimated the rate of diffusion from the beetroot and that after just 2 minuets not very much dye had diffused at all and comparisons would be small. By leaving the Beetroot longer it allowed more Betalain to diffuse and a wider range of results to work with. Analysis of original Results The original set of results look quite promising. I have used the colorimeter to obtain data for; absorption, transmission and the rate of reaction. The absorption and transmission are readings given by the colorimeter and can be used to work out each other. The formula to use to work out the transmission from the absorption is to take the absorption from 100 to get a percentage for the transmission of the colorimeter reading. And this is the formula I have used in my results table (100-a) which was created using Microsoft Excel. The next figure in the table is the Rate of Diffusion per Minuet, which is the figure I intend to use to analyse my findings with. This is worked out by dividing the absorption by 5, (a/5) the amount of minuets the beetroot was left for (this is presuming the diffusion rate was consistent). This then relates directly back to the problem which asked how temperature affected the rate of diffusion of betalain from beetroot to water over a given amount of time. I have recorded all three of these in the table for each of the temperatures implemented and for all five repetitions I have then added them and divided by five to give an average. I have also included the size of the beetroot in mm (length multiplied by diameter), the weight of the beetroot in grams, the volume of water from the test tube and the time in minuets. These are all control variables but I have included them in the table so all relevant stats are visible and they can be shown as consistent. There are however some anomalous looking results, I have highlighted these results red but have not removed them yet. I will draw up a graph first and analyse the results further before deciding if these results are having to much of an effect on the averages to be included in the findings. Analysis The graph has used the rate of diffusion per minuet results from the results table. The calculation for this is the absorption rate divided by five; the amount of minuets the beetroot was left for. This gives you the amount a figure for the amount of diffusion taking place every minuet presuming the diffusion is consistent. The graph shows a clear positive correlation for greater heat, greater release of Betalain. This would be because the hotter the Betalain gets the more energy its molecules will get and the more motion they will make and the more will diffuse through the membrane of the beetroot and into the water. However there is a large range in the error bars on most of the results and some overlap. I feel this could be because of the results I highlighted in the table I am therefore going to redo the table without these anomalies and see if I can improve the quality of the graph and findings. Edited Results Temp (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C) Figure Repeat 1 Repeat 2 Repeat 3 Repeat 4 Repeat 5 Average 25 Rate %minà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 3.2 2.2 3.8 3.2 3.2 3.12 35 Rate %minà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 4.2 4.4 4 4.6 4.4 4.32 45 Rate %minà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 4.6 5.2 5 6.4 6 5.44 55 Rate %minà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 10.8 13 11.2 10 12.4 11.48 65 Rate %minà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 14 14.2 14.6 15.4 15 14.64 I have removed the anomalies and used the average of the other four readings for that temperature to fit the Excel formula. This has given me more consistent results and should help to get a better correlation on the graph for my final readings. I have also removed the Absorption and Transmission readings from the table to make it more condensed and easier to read and evaluate. I decided that in this table only the essential figures should be kept in, the ones that I will be using to create my final graph with. Therefore I have gotten rid of the size, weight, water volume and time as these are all consistent and do not need to be present on the graph. Analysis Removing the main anomalies from the results has made the graph look more accurate and more relevant. There are smaller error bars and the results are in a better correlation. The only Results not closely corallined are those for 55à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C but because these results were so varied that picking out anomalies would not work here. The line on the graph is more of a steeper gradient and would form an S shape if I were to draw a line of best fit on it. Conclusion and Background Information I can now conclude that the relationship between heat and diffusion on a beetroots membrane is that the greater the heat, the greater the rate of diffusion. This is as I expected and of no great surprise. The main reason for this would be because the greater the heat, the greater the energy the Betalain molecules would have and the more motion they would have. This would lead to more diffusing in a shorter amount of time. The cell membranes main function is to serve as a boundary between the cell and its environment. It is just like other organelles in the cell in that it serves the cell by having its own specialised jobs. In terms of beetroot the Betalain is contained within the cell membrane, if this membrane is broken or disrupted the pigment will be released. Temperature may be the cause of the disruption. High temperatures could distort the active site of the carrier, channel of gated proteins, therefore affecting the shape of the fluid mosaic model membrane which may release the betalian or other molecules held inside the beetroot. Temperature can also affect the rate at which the diffusion takes place by giving the particles more energy. I feel that this is more likely to be what caused the higher rate of diffusion rather than the disruption which was caused by cutting the beetroot up. This has been shown on the graph and in the results and I can now conclude that the higher the temperature of the water and Beetroot the higher the rate of diffusion will be over the semi permeable membrane. Evaluation The Problem has been solved and even though there were anomalies and some of the equipment was perhaps not as accurate as would have been preferred the experiment has been a success and there can be no doubt of the effect on heat on the rate of diffusion of Betalain between the membrane of a beetroot and water. There were limitations with the amount of equipment we could use and on methods we used as we only had the schools supply of equipment and only two lessons in which to collect data. The first of which and perhaps the most important of which was the water bathes. Water Bathes These were supposed to keep a level and consistent temperature throughout the duration of the experiment. This however they did not do, they did not reach the required temperatures very well and there gages often read differently to the thermometers used to back them up. Also once the required temperature or at least what the water bathes considered as the required temperature was reached, the water bathes shut themselves off. There would then be no heat or buffer to keep the temperature constant. Whilst this is a much more effective and accurate way of reaching the temperatures and conducting the experiment than using Bunsen burners or any of the other equipment the school could have provided, it was a bit disappointing that it couldnt hold its temperature. The poor precision of the water bathes could have had an effect on the data recorded. The experiments were supposed to be conducted at 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C but the real temperatures were from around these temperatures. This could have led to variation in the in the in the data collected as some of the error bars were quite large, for instance the changing temperatures could mean that once you returned to repeat the experiment the water bath would be at a different temperature to when you first recorded the results. Another factor affecting the difference in results could the position in the water bathe, if two different thermometers (the water bathes thermostat and the separate thermometer) are reading different temperatures then maybe the temperature isnt consistent throughout the water bathe at the same time. If one test tube was placed directly above the heater and another away from it they would have different temperatures leading to a deviance in the results. This lack of reliability may have had an effect on the conclusions as well as the results. On the first graph the error bars were clearly to large and needed editing to remove the anomalies and redo a more consistent line. The figures used for the graphs were suppose to be for the rate of reaction and to work this out the diffusion should have been constant, but if the temperatures werent constant then its probable that the diffusion wasnt either. This could not be helped though and differences although there were some anomalies were fairly consistent and showed enough reliability to be analysed, concluded and explained using Biological Knowledge.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Financial and Management Accounting information Essay
Financial and Management Accounting information - Essay Example Management accounting information is mainly used for internal purposes and communication to management (Berry & Jarvis, 1997). The use of financial and management accounting information to the running of an organisation are discussed in the first and second part of this essay respectively. One of the main uses of financial accounting information is for funding purpose. Capital from shareholders and loans and credit from creditors require reporting of financial accounting information to solicit funds (Atrill & McLaney, 2003; Berry & Jarvis, 1997). Since the owners or shareholders provide the funds for the organisation to run, they are interested in the returns earned on their investments. Financial ratios such as return on shareholders' funds can be calculated to assess the returns earned on their investments. They use information on past performance obtained from the financial statements comprising the profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement together with the present economic market conditions to predict the future returns. Also, since the shareholders elect the board of directors, they would want to regularly evaluate the management's performance. Profitability ratios, indications of earning capacity and ability to make profits, can be used by the shareholders to evaluate the management's performance. Examples of profitability ratios are the gross profit ratio, the net profit ratio, and the return on total assets. Loan creditors, such as bankers are interested in the financial stability and liquidity of the organisation, as assessed by the liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and capital structure ratios, such as the fixed assets to long-term liabilities ratio and the capital gearing ratio. Loan creditors would also like to know whether the organisation is able to pay interest on time and to repay the principal of the loan. They can use financial ratios such as the coverage of fixed interest charges to assess the organisation's ability in this regard. They are also interested in the amount of security existing for their debt, other liabilities the organisation has and security offered for them. The balance sheet offers this information. Trade creditors let the organisation obtain goods or services with postponed payment. They are interested in the ability of the organisation to pay its debts as they fall due, as revealed by liquidity ratios, such as the current ratio and the acid test ratio/liquidity ratio/quick ratio. Both shareholders and creditors use financial accounting information to assess the timing and uncertainty of prospective cash receipts. The prospects of cash receipts depend on the organisation's ability to generate enough cash to meet its obligations when due and its other cash operating needs. The cash flow statement, when used in conjunction with the rest of the financial statements, provides information that enables users to evaluate the changes in net assets of an enterprise, its financial structure (including its liquidity and solvency) and its ability to affect the amounts and timing of cash flows in order to adapt to changing circumstances. Another use of financial accounting information is to solicit investments from potential investors (Atrill & McLaney, 2003, Berry & Jarvis, 1997). Potential investors require information on various matters, including solvency,
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Analyse horror movie Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Analyse horror movie - Research Paper Example After the attempts to kill Lestat fail, Louis and Claudia set off halfway across the world in search of their own kind. In France, they find other vampires in the underworld and they join this group led by vampire Armand who has feelings of intimacy to Louis. Their stay turns tragic when the vampires in Paris kill Claudia and Louis is saved from death by Armand. Louis, Lestat and Claudia have different characters which were influenced by time, self personality and other external factors. Louis The past life of Louis as a mortal played a significant role in determining his character. Prior to becoming a vampire, Louis’s wife had died during childbirth. Louis was terribly affected by the death of his wife and he became desperate to an extent of wishing to die. In one instance, Louis narrates that his wife and infant had been buried less than a half year before he became a vampire. Louis says that â€Å"I would have been happy to join them. I couldn’t bear the pain of the ir loss. I longed to be released from it†(Interview with the Vampire). It is imperative that Louis genuinely loved his wife and newborn child. Suffice to say, Louis was also caring enough given the fact that he was felt a strong connection to his family. From Louis’ narration, it is evident that he had loving self personality. Suffice to say, his loving nature as a mortal is replicated in the relationship that he forms with Claudia as a vampire. In his mortal form, Louis was a kind person. He interacts with his slave Yvette in a respectful way without disregarding her as it would be expected of a slave to a master. After becoming a vampire, Louis exercises great restraint to prevent himself from the temptation of killing Yvette. When Yvette offers Louis food and expresses her concern about his wellbeing, Louis fights the instinctive vampire urge to kill her and drink her blood. He dismisses her from the dinner table saying â€Å"I’ll finish it, Yvette. Now leav e us.†(Interview with the Vampire).. However, he managed to suppress that urge and spared her life due to his self personality. In retrospect, it can be argued that Louis was a kind person who valued the lives of other people irrespective of their position in the society. The influence of vampire Lestat and vampire Claudia on Louis’s character cannot be understated. After becoming a vampire, Louis resisted the counsel of Lestat as it was against his will. Lestat encourages Louis kill human beings instead of feeding on animals such as rats and chicken. Lestat castigates him for his choice of food by stating that the chickens would eventually run out and he would be forced to seek other sources of food. Despite the pressure from Lestat, Louis manages to hold on to his convictions albeit for some time. However, it is notable that Louis was greatly influenced by the Lestat’s ideas. When he kills the slave girl Yvette, Louis indicates that he felt real peace when he killed. Louis indicates that Lestat’s words made sense to him since he was able to feel at ease when he killed a human being. This implies that the behavior and advice of Lestat influenced Louis’ character to a certain extent. At one point, Louis says that â€Å"Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself†(Interview with the Vampire). It was not in Louis nature to kill human beings, let alone derive extreme
Monday, January 27, 2020
A Life Cycle Analysis Of A Dam Environmental Sciences Essay
A Life Cycle Analysis Of A Dam Environmental Sciences Essay Dams are built for various purposes; the major function includes hydroelectric power generation, drinking water supply, irrigation, flood control, recreation etc. But the different incidents and studies done by several researchers proved that these large dams made for these purposes, also simultaneously pose substantial threats to the life, property and the environment throughout their lifecycle. The impacts may be different in different phases, namely construction, operation and decommissioning phase. There are about 845,000 dams around the world (Jacquot, 2009), the cumulative impact of all these dams could be enormous. So, it is essential to minimise the impacts due to dam construction on lives, property and environment. Identifying possible impacts, calculating risk and minimising the risk through the adoption of various techniques could help to lower the overall impacts. Major hazards associated with Dams throughout their lifecycle (Reservoir): Construction Phase: Construction of large infrastructure like dams demands massive amount of construction material, excavation process and vehicles, which directly impacts on the environment and society. Most of the equipments and vehicle engage on such activities use fossil fuel as the principal source of energy and contribute to the green house gas emission. The estimated emission from Glen Canyon dam during its construction phase was calculated as 800,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (Pacca, 2002). The risk of accidents due to the vehicles, construction activity and excavation process to the worker is probable. The construction site could be of special interest for some animal or plant, so this activity may lead to the disappearance such plant/animal from that area for ever. Operation Phase: The operation of dams also poses threat to the environment and people. The threat of dam failure during the operation phase due to various reasons may cause huge loss of life and property. There is always threat of drawing of people on the dam. The emission during this phase from the decay of biomass in the reservoir is obvious; the emission from the Glen Canyon dam during its operation phase was estimated to be 3,500,000 metric ton of CO2 equivalent (Pacca, 2002). The failure of dam is the most destructive event of the entire lifecycle of dam. The details on dam failure are discussed separately below. Decommissioning Phase: This is the last stage of the life cycle of dam, this stage pose threat of sweeping the downstream areas (settlements, infrastructure, etc) and the lives. The emission from this stage is found as largest in comparison with construction and operation. The emission from the decommissioning of the Glen Canyon dam was calculated as 33,000,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (Pacca,2002), which was more than nine times the emission from the entire operation phase. Though the decommissioning work is done in controlled manner, the loss of property would not be as the dam failure. Environmental and Social consequences throughout a dams life: Construction Phase: Resettlement of people: Construction of Dam requires huge area of land, which is often acquired by displacing people from that place. People are often forced to leave their inherited land giving them psychological stress and the resettlement to the new location often alters the existing environment there. In China Three Gorges Dam have already displaced a million people and still another 80000 are to be moved till its final stage, 1200 villages and 2 major towns have had to be abandoned and rebuilt (McGivering, 2006). Archaeological sites: In some cases even the archaeological sites also get destroyed due to dam construction. More than 100 archaeological sites, some dating back over 12000 years is to be submerged due to the three gorge dam (Gleick, 2009). Transportation, excavation and construction: The movement of vehicles during the construction of dam contributes to emission to some extent and equally disturb the ecology there. The excavation and construction process both impact the ecology locally. Air pollution due to the dust can be expected. Operation Phase: Siltation: Rivers carry sediment loads, the amount vary according to the characteristics of the catchment area and the velocity of the running water. The construction of dam reduces the velocity of the river thus helping sediment to settle down within the reservoir. If the sediment deficit exit due to this in river, the channel can be expected to evacuate sediment from its bed and banks in the downstream effecting the environment there (Grant,2003). Methane Generation: Hydro power was considered to be the renewable that produce no greenhouse gases. According to Boyle, G (2009), a report by the world commission on dams (WCD, 2000, Anon, 2001), the decaying of vegetable matter in an anaerobic condition produces methane (CH4), when the land is flooded with hydro project. Fish migration: Fish are affected directly by the obstruction like dam on its course. The most commonly affected species like Salmon, which needs to go upstream for spawning, can be obstructed from their spawning place. Inundation of the spawning grounds within the reservoir, periodic inundation and drying out of spawning ground and refuge area downstream of the dam further hampers the fishs activity. (Harvath, and Municio,1998). Fertility of the downstream plains: The downstream part of dam loose the nutrient containing soil, which used to receive during flooding. After the building of the Aswan dam, in 1960s, the land downstream no longer receives the soil and nutrients previously carried by the annual Nile flood. The agricultural system has been destroyed in the downstream and to be replaced and is replaced by irrigation and chemical fertilizer (Boyle, 2004). Local climate change: Increased precipitation has been observed after the construction of dam, the physical process by which large scale surface evaporation triggers in the precipitation recycling in such area (Hossain, et al, 2009). Changes in the air moisture percentage, air temperature, air movement in big scale can be caused by big scale dam (Tahmiscioglu, et al,.). Impact on biodiversity: In some cases building of dams disturb the habitat of critically endangered species too, the winter shelter of Siberien Crane and the Baiji Yangtze river dolphin, are found to be affected by the three gorges dam ( Induced earthquakes: large reservoirs can cause seismic events as they fill, as the pressure on local faults increases (ICE 1981). The seismic activity of magnitude 5.7 was recorded in Lake Oroville in Butte county of California in June 1982(Allen, 1982). Agricultural/ loss of forests: In many cases, the construction of dam covers the productive agricultural land which used to be the means of sustenance for the local people and in many cases clear some part of forest destroying natural ecosystem. About 1400 hector of agricultural land is to be submerged because of the three gorge dam (Gleick, 2009). Spread of disease (increase in disease carrying vectors, e.g. mosquito): Study carried out by Yewhalaw, et al (2005), found that the impoundment can act as breeding ground for vectors like mosquito, and found that the children living near to dam are at greater risk of plasmodium infection than the children living away. Decommissioning Phase: Decommissioning: Even though, decommissioning of dams help to restore the reverine ecosystem to its natural condition, some short term negative effect such as sediment mobilisation, contaminated material and threat of super saturation can be seen (Bednarek, 2001). Dam Failure: One of the most obviously harmful effect of large dam is seen, when it falls. The underlying causes may be different in each case. Some of the major causes are (ICOLD, 1973): Overtopping Foundation defects Piping and seepage Conduits and valves Seismic event damage Failure of dam due to internal water pressure Failure of dam due to prolonged period of rainfall and flooding Causes of Dam Failure that occurred between 1075- 2001(NPDP, 2007) (Adopted from historic records of Dam Performance, 2007) On the basis of the above graph it can be said that, flood or overtopping of the dam wall stand far ahead from other causes of dam failure. Seepage and piping is on second position and rest of all are responsible for very less number of dam failures, this graph proves that the overtopping of dam is the major causes of dam failures. Cost of Dam Break: The cost of dam break consists of two components; reconstruction cost of dam and economic loss due to destruction and inundation downstream (Kuo, et al, 2008). Cost and Benefit from Dam: Dam construction is an expensive work and demands huge sum of money, but it provides extremely necessary things for running the society and development like energy and water for drinking and irrigation purpose. On the other hand it has some impacts on society and environment, some of which needs lots of money and time for restoration while others are irreparable. So construction of dam has its own pros and cons. Ways to minimise the occurrence of dam failure: Dam failure is the most destructive incident in the entire life cycle of dam, which may cause huge loss of life and property. So it is essential to ensure the safety of dam in order to protect the life and property. Some of the important steps essential for the reduction of dam failure and its impacts are as follows (MDE, 1996): Strict legislation should be promulgated by government for the construction of dam/ Reservoir. Routine deformation monitoring of seepage from drains in and around larger dams is necessary and if found faulty, corrective measure should be taken. In case of wall fracture, rock grouting (pressure pumping of cement slurry) can be done to reduce the risk of dam failure. Regular monitoring and maintenance could help a lot to prevent dam failure. Early warning system should be incorporated in the reservoir system to protect people and property downstream, in case of dam failure. Dam construction should not be allowed in the area of high seismic activity. Most of the nations make safety programme for the protection of dam. In USA most of the states are responsible for the safety of dams within their boundary and to ensure the safety they regularly follow the following procedure (Lane, 2008); Evaluate the safety of existing dam. Review plans and specification for safety and regulatory programme. Carry out periodic inspection on construction on new and existing dams. Review and approval of emergency action plan. Some measures to reduce other impacts on and due to dams: Management of catchment of river can help to reduce sedimentation on dam, which may include plantation on the catchment area, adoption of landside and erosion control measures for the upstream area of dam. The periodic cleaning of dams can help to reduce the load of sediments within a dam and help to reclaim the capacity to its original form. Fish ladder can help to restore fish migration to some extent. (source) The calculation of probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and estimation of probable maximum flood (PMF) and the probability of average return period for that river, could help to design the dam properly (CSCD,1985), which could prevent dam from failure. Monitoring should be carried out to control the breeding of mosquitoes in dam, if found, mosquito larvae must be controlled with the approved mosquito larvicide, so that the other aquatic organism will have minimal impacts from larvicide (DHF,2006). Rich picture of Dam and associated Impacts A Rich Picture illustrating impacts of dam on various aspects of environment and society Risk of Dam Failure with age: Percentage of different age groups of dam failures in Russia in comparison with the failures of world dams. (Adopted from Management of Impounded Rivers, Wang and Melching, 2007). Though age is one of the important factor for the dam failure as the walls and other infrastructures erodes or weakens with age, but it is not only the factor that causes dam failure; faulty structures, extreme weather events, sabotage, seismic activities etc also trigger to dam failure. The above graph showed that the highest number of dam failure was in the age group 0-10, which then gradually decreases as the age group increases. The defective structure can lead to dam failure even at its early age while the well constructed and well maintained dam can serve over hundred years. On the basis of above graph it can be said that aging in not the primary factor for dam failure and proper maintenance can lengthen the life span of dam despite of age, and does not show clear correlation with dam failure. One probable reason of less number of dam failures of the aged dam could be the proper maintenance and decommissioning before the dam failure occurs. Risk Assessment of dam failure: Risk assessment was calculated on the basis of data from Annex-3. High severity condition Total Occurrence= 11 Average time taken to repeat the events for the class IA (with more than 300 deaths) =11.1 year Average Death calculated=1111.1 Risk=Frequency (event/ unit time) -Magnitude (Deaths)=1/11.1-1111.1=0.09-1111.1=99.99 Therefore, Risk=99.99 per 11.1 year Risk calculation for overall dam failure Total occurrence of dam failure=46 Average gap between successive events=0.39 year Average death per event=357.91 Risk= Frequency (event/ unit time) -Magnitude (Deaths) Therefore, Risk= 1/0.39-357.91=2.6-357.91=930.5 person per 0.39 year Conclusion: References: Allen, C,R, 1982, Reservoir Induced Earthquakes and Engineering Policy, California Geology, 35, 11 Bednarek, A,T, 2001,Undamming Rivers: A Review of the Ecological Impacts of Dam Removal, Environmental Management, 27,803-814. Boyle, G, 2004, Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Oxford University, Oxford CSCD,1985, Safety of Dams: Flood and Earthquake Criteria, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. DHF, 2006,Guidelines for Preventing Mosquito Breeding Sites Associated with Aquaculture Development in NT,Department of Health and Families, Darwin Gleick, P.H., 2009, Three Gorges Dam Project, Yangtze River, China, Water Brief, 3, 139-150. Grant, E, G, et al, 2003, A Geological Framework For Interpreting Downstream Effects Of dams On Rivers, Water Science and Application 7, 209-225 Harvath, E, and Municio, M. A. T.,1998, 2nd International Symposium in Civil Engineering, Budapest Hossain, F, et al, 2009, Local Climate Change, EOS, 90,453-468, assessed on 4 March, 2010., assessed on 20 May, 2010, assessed on 20 May ,2010., assessed on 20 March, 2010 International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD, 1973),Lessons from Dam Incidents,Reduced Edition, Paris Jacqot,J,2009, Numbers Dams; From Hoover to Three Gorges to the crumbling ones, Environmental Policy,, assessed on 17 May 2010. Kuo,J,T, et al, 2008,Dam Over Topping Risk Assessment Considering Inspection Programme, Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 22, 303-313 Lane,N, 2008,Aging Infracture: Dam Safety, Congressional Research Service McGivering, J, 2006, Three Gorges Dams Social Impact, BBC ,, assessed on 3 March 2010. MDE, 1996, Maryland Dam Safety Manual, Association of State Dam Safety Officials Pacca,S, 2007, Impacts from Decommissioning of Hydroelectric Dams: A life Cycle Prospective, Climate Change, 84, 281-294 Tahmiscioglu, M, S, et al,.. Positive and Negative Impacts of Dam on the Environment, International Congress on River Basin Management, 760-769 Wang,Z,Y, and Melching, S, 2007, Management of Impounded Rivers Yewhalaw, D, et al, 2005, Malaria and Water Resource development: The Case of Gilgel-Gibe Hydroelectric Dam in Ethopia, Malar. J, 8, 21 Annex-1 (Part-A) PLAGARISM DECLARATION I declare that the work I am submitting for assessment contains no section copied in whole or in part from any other sources unless it is explicitly identified by means of quotation marks. I declare that I have also acknowledged such quotation by providing detailed references in an approved format. I understand that either or both unidentified and unreferenced copying constitutes plagiarism, which is one of a number of very serious offences under the universitys code of practice on the Use of Unfair Means. Student No- 200910979 LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF A DAM CONTENTS PAGE NO. INTRODUCTION: 3 Major hazards associated with Dam: 3 Major environmental issues associated with dam 3-4 Catastrophes (Dam failure): Siltation Methane generation Fish migration Resettlement of people Fertility of the downstream plains Local climate change Impact on biodiversity Induced earthquakes Agricultural/ loss of forests Spread of disease Archaeological sites Decommissioning Key questions for part B 5 Draft Plan 5 References 6 Word Count- 1076 Word Limit- 1000 INTRODUCTION: Dams are built for various purposes; the major function includes hydroelectric power generation, drinking water supply, irrigation, flood control, recreation etc. But the different incidents and studies done by several researchers proved that these large dams made for these purposes, also simultaneously pose substantial threats to the life, property and the environment throughout their lifecycle. The impacts may be different in different phases, namely construction, operation and decommissioning phase. Yes, but what is th eproblem situation or concern? Major hazards associated with Dam: Dam failure: one of the most obviously harmful effect of large dam is seen, when it falls. The underlying causes may be different in each case. Some of the major causes are: Seismic event damage Failure of dam due to internal water pressure. Failure of dam due to prolonged period of rainfall and flooding. Threat to human life due to drowning in dam. Major environmental issues associated with dam: Catastrophes (Dam failure): Dam failure often results huge loss of life, property and environment. During 20th century some 200 dam failures caused more than ten thousand people outside China and in the year 1975 only about quarter of million people were perished in the series of hydroelectric dam failure in China (Boyle, G, 2004). Siltation: Rivers carry sediment loads, the amount vary according to the characteristics of the catchment area and the velocity of the running water. The construction of dam reduces the velocity of the river thus helping sediment to settle down within the reservoir. If the sediment deficit exit due to this in river, the channel can be expected to evacuate sediment from its bed and banks in the downstream effecting the environment there (Grant,2003). Methane generation: Hydro power was considered to be the renewable that produce no greenhouse gases. According to Boyle, G (2009), a report by the world commission on dams (WCD, 2000, Anon, 2001), the decaying of vegetable matter in an anaerobic condition produces methane (CH4), when the land is flooded with hydro project. Fish migration: Fish are affected directly by the obstruction like dam on its course. The most commonly affected species like Salmon, which needs to go upstream for spawning, can be obstructed from their spawning place. Inundation of the spawning grounds within the reservoir, periodic inundation and drying out of spawning ground and refuge area downstream of the dam further hampers the fishs activity. (Harvath, E, and Municio, M. A. T.,1998). Resettlement of people: Construction of Dam requires huge area of land, which is often acquired by displacing people from that place. People are often forced to leave their inherited land giving them psychological stress and the resettlement to the new location often alters the existing environment there. In China Three Gorges Dam have already displaced a million people and still another 80000 are to be moved till its final stage, 1200 villages and 2 major towns have had to be abandoned and rebuilt (McGivering, 2006). Fertility of the downstream plains: The downstream part of dam loose the nutrient containing soil, which used to receive during flooding. After the building of the Aswan dam, in 1960s, the land downstream no longer receives the soil and nutrients previously carried by the annual Nile flood. The agricultural system has been destroyed in the downstream and to be replaced and is replaced by irrigation and chemical fertilizer(Boyle, G, 2004). Local climate change: Increased precipitation has been observed after the construction of dam, the physical process by which large scale surface evaporation triggers in the precipitation recycling in such area (Hossain, F, et al, 2009). Changes in the air moisture percentage, air temperature, air movement in big scale can be caused by big scale dam (Tahmiscioglu, M, S, et al,.). Impact on biodiversity: In some cases building of dams disturb the habitat of critically endangered species too, the winter shelter of Siberien Crane and the Baiji Yangtze river dolphin, are found to be affected by the three gorges dam ( Induced earthquakes: large reservoirs can cause seismic events as they fill, as the pressure on local faults increases (ICE 1981). The seismic activity of magnitude 5.7 was recorded in Lake Oroville in Butte county of California in June 1982(Allen, C,R, 1982) Agricultural/ loss of forests: In many cases, the construction of dam covers the productive agricultural land which used to be the means of sustenance for the local people and in many cases clear some part of forest destroying natural ecosystem. About 1400 hector of agricultural land will be submerged because of the three gorge dam (Gleick, P.H., 2009). Spread of disease (increase in disease carrying vectors, e.g. mosquito): Study carried out by Yewhalaw, D, et al (2005), found that the impoundment can act as breeding ground for vectors like mosquito, and found that the children living near to dam are at greater risk of plasmodium infection than the children living away. Archaeological sites: In some cases even the archaeological sites also get destroyed due to dam construction. More than 100 archaeological sites, some dating back over 12000 years will be submerged due to the three gorge dam (Gleick, P.H., 2009). Decommissioning: Even though, decommissioning of dams help to restore the reverine ecosystem to its natural condition, some short term negative effect such as sediment mobilisation, contaminated material and threat of super saturation can be seen (Bednarek, A,T, 2001). Key questions for part B: Answer to the following questions will be searched in the second part of this case study: What are the major hazards associated with dam and how the risk can be minimised? What are the approaches practised to minimise the impact on dam on environment and human? How the dam induced impact like sedimentation, obstruction on the fish migration route and increase in diseases carrier vector can be regulated? How the regulating body ensure the safety of dam? How the factors like politics and economy affect in the construction of dam? Draft Plan: Introduction Major hazards associated with Dam (Reservoir) Causes of Dam failure The possible impacts of such hazards Measures to minimise the impacts Environmental Issues associated with Dam Impact on agriculture and forest Impact on fish migration Impact on biodiversity Measures practised to minimise the impact Socio economic impact of Dam Abandonment and resettlement of displaced people Damages to ancient heritage (archaeological structure) Ways to minimise the damage to ancient heritage Cost Benefit Analysis of Dam Conclusion
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Development of Feminism and Its Impact on Religion
Feminism is a movement concerned with the advocacy of uplifting the roles and status of women. This struggle of campaigning for women's rights has started from the nineteenth century up to the present. It takes in various forms of protests and activities, all of which are geared towards the attainment of equal rights for women from different classes. This movement has gone across different borders including their struggle in the areas of politics, economics, social status, and in the religious aspect.Over the history, the disparity of rights between males and females is noticeable. Women have become victims of discrimination and double standards. However, the growth of the feminist movements is considered successful in the way that women have become more empowered and represented in different arenas. In the area of religion, feminism has become a distinct philosophy and it has gained influence and respect from different groups. In certain religious groups, women are now allowed to ho ld certain positions of power.Women are now ordained as clergy, hence granting them rights that were in the past held solely by men (â€Å"Feminism and Religion). Feminist philosophers of religion also became widely influential in the study of religion, and as such they were able to provide remarkable standpoints on how religion is to be viewed in a perspective that is beneficial to women. Thus, this has served as a useful tool for women in expressing their own beliefs, ideas and relate their experiences to other people in a way that they are properly heard without being negatively criticized (Frankenberry 2005).This development in the feminist movement was able to seek transformation in the society by challenging social insitutions and attempting to change social norms and standards. The emergence of female heroic figures and saints is an example of how feminist movements have developed over time (Hunt 2004). The challenges posted by feminism became strong that feminists around th e world were able to gather support and hasten changes in the society, not only in political and economic aspects, but also in the field of religion which was for long been dominated by men.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Contrasting Differences in Family Life in USA and Mexico Essay
The family is the basic unit of any particular society or community. It is therefore imperative that for the society to exist the family has to be there to produce members into the community. The community or national character any particular country is basically determined by the nature of the family values. An individual is shaped in the early ages by the family. In the contemporary society there are increased diversity changes in the family a characteristic of the many changes in culture, political, economic, social, and psychological and even the environment. The content definition of has not been agreed upon because of the great changes that are so accommodating. In the previous many years the family was considered as the people who are related by blood. This definition based on the kinship ties has been revoked due to the influence of many forms of families which has stripped off the family its actual definition. For instance there can husband and wife who do not have any kinship ties and they go ahead to adopt children. Another case that has changed such a definition of the family based on kinship ties is the increasing number of intermarriage within the context of race or ethnicity. This brings out a mixture of offspring and therefore it is difficult to trace the family bonds based on kinship ties. The issue of who is next to kin is no longer important in the current families. The most common aspect in the current families is the bonding based on mutual understanding. The many changes of husband and wife have been changed by the introduction of lesbianism and gay. These try to go against the grain of opposite gender type of marriage. The concept of marriage has changed from opposite gender type of marriage to a mixture of gay, lesbianism and opposite gender marriages. These are some of the dynamisms that are facing the contemporary families. This paper shall give an indebt analysis of the family, the changes in roles and functions of the families and the general effects of such changes to the contemporary families. A close reference and examples shall be drawn from the US and Mexico, the countries that border each other geographically. The contrasting differences I n family issues shall be pointed out clearly. Family life in the United States The family relationship in the United States has undergone several transformations due to the effect of globalization. Race and ethnicity are the most significant factors in shaping the variety of values, attitudes and behaviour amongst the families in the United States. There are a number of changes in families in the United States. These changes range from political, social, economic, and psychological to spiritual. The social dislocations have given rise to new ideas and values especially there is increased individualism among the members of the community. In the US there increased diversity in the organizational structures. There are many cases of divorce and separation in the United Stated which has grabbed the family the unity and love that is supposed to be enjoyed. Most the single families that are common in the US are as a result of divorce and remarriage due to greater democratization. (Hines & Morrison, 2005) Cultural diversity in the US is accounting for the many different types of families that have emerged in the recent past. The United States constitutes almost all races and ethnic groups in the world. For this reason there are diverse cultural values as a resulting of this contact. The factor that there are free intermarriages between these diverse races and ethnic groups has made the US to have diverse cultural values which transcend the native culture. The immigrants who move to the United State try to maintain their native language despite the fact that they are forced to learn the official language of the United States, which is English. The immigrants from Spanish speaking countries (Hispanic) when they move to the United States they try to maintain their languages. The culture of the people is usually transmitted through language and due to the numerous languages in the United States there exists different cultures. This means that there are very many family clusters formed through the sharing of the languages. For instance most of the Hispanic immigrants have formed family clusters in the sides of Florida. The black American speaks a variety of English as they identify themselves as belonging or originating from one family. These disparities have affected the notion of the family because these people are allowed to mix freely with people from different cultures. The concept of the family in the United States is changing even the more during the advent of the green card where people from different pasts acquire citizenship. Many people from different races and ethnic groups have found their way to the US and as such most of them are allowed to move with their families. The nuclear family still remains an ideal source of the society in the United States. The United States families are characterized by the great social stratification. In the United the families are organized according to different classes. Among these classes there are great disparities in terms of economic value. The choice of families has not taken shift from mutual understanding to materials and resources. This has affected relationships from a sociological point of view. This issue of the class is a dominant phenomenon among the families in the United States as those who are rich wants to maintain the status quo. This is done through the inheritance that is passed within the nuclear families. The nuclear families in the United States are created and broken up and then reconstituted. This has led to the decline of family values which consequently affects the family patterns. This diversity in family pattern has been identified as the cause of problems such as violence, crime and drug use in the united state. The parents are usually very busy with their duties (United States, Congress, 1992). The increasing cases of divorce and separation in the United States have a negative effect on maintaining the ideal norms of the nuclear family value. The families that are exposed to values outside the parental domain are likely to deviate from norms. The human rights in the United States are considered fundamental. There is protection of the universal human right which is a recipe to the process of democratization. This the reason why the US government invest huge amount of money in education health and other basic sectors so as to enhance the promotion of the human rights among the citizens. The Family Life in Mexico Most people have preferred to live in Mexico for a variety of reasons such as social, political, economic and even good climatic reasons. Living in Mexico requires one to learn the Spanish language so as to increase effective communication. This is because the families are socialized in the Spanish language. The Mexican people are extremely warm and friendly as they are organized in smaller communities that come from the mutually intelligible families. This means that the socialization process is high since there tow much contact between the families. The family bonds are tightly held together and for this reason there is cultural uniformity. The society per se is integrated under common cultural values through the common language shared. Piped water is relatively inexpensive, but not always potable (drinkable). Decades of under-investment, combined with an attitude of impertinence towards paying water bills, has left Mexico’s mains water system in poor condition. As a result, most people purchase bottled water, often in 20L containers. Bottled water is very expensive. Rents in Mexico can be higher than in equivalent-sized US towns or cities if the place is popular or fashionable, particularly places within easy reach of the US border. Mexico has a centralized economy: that is, most of the country’s economic activity revolves around. The Mexican pace of life is relatively slower than in the US Especially when the life in major cities is given consideration. The families in Mexico are closely tied as most of the families have time to attend to their families. There is a high degree of parental responsibility among the families. This transcends to greater heights of good values that the society enjoys. Mexico’s culture has a rich history in a consolidated family religion, people and tradition. The Mexican people are proud of their culture that they keep on passing from one generation to another. This is because there is little infusion of the foreign cultures. The family is the basic unit in Mexico and a cornerstone to the maintenance of the culture. The rate of socialization and interaction among these people is too high. It is a usual phenomenon to meet two or more families meeting for a common interest or for a special event. This part of the family function in Mexico, people in Mexico have free time to visit resort centers for the purpose of relaxation which is not a common phenomenon in the United States, where people are too busy. (Heymann, 2006) The Mexican People are too religious which is a big contrast with the United States where people feel that they are in control; of their own life. A large number of people are Christian and they are usually committed to going to church. When you walk in the Mexican homes it is easy for you to see the religious images. In America people stay a non-religious life thus an effect of religious intermingling that has made it difficult for the people to which religious practice to adopt. Thus they resign from subscribing to any of the religious practice. The social stratification is not prevalent in the Mexican family as it is in the United States; people are seeking for money the Mexican people strive for titles. The professionals in Mexico prefer to be addressed with the titles that they deserve. This is as a result of the traditional emphasis given to the tittles within the family domain. The economic living standards in Mexico are slightly lower than in the United State. There are many poor people in Mexico than in the United States. The impact of these high levels of poverty in Mexico has necessitated the immigration of most Mexican families to the United States in search of better jobs and pay of most illegal immigrants from Mexico have gotten their way into the United States through the Mexican borders. These immigrants have settled in cities such as Florida. Working in the United States gives them better pay. This aspect of brain drain is lowering the general development of the families in Mexico as most of the people move leaving behind other family members Basically the cost of living in Mexico is lower than that of the US particularly for agricultural produce. Other sectors such as transport and communication are also lower in Mexico than I n the United States. Other utilities as electricity are more expensive compared to the United State. Working families in the United States, observing how parents struggled to find a balance between caring for children and earning a decent income. When parents split and one of the parents went from Mexico to the United States and was no longer available to give the necessary care, families suffer. What significantly exacerbates the problem is when the borders are so tight that they prevent families from reuniting. This has been a common phenomenon when the immigrants are not given the opportunity by the America to even visit their families in back home in Mexico. (Poole M. et al, 1993) Globalization of the economy created increased pressure for workers to accept lower labor standards, accept lower wages, longer hours, fewer benefits, and less paid leave. Both Nations likewise feel pressure from economic globalization not to implement family-friendly policies, such as paid leave for illness or when a child is sick, or paid parental leave. And that leaves working families struggling to balance work and their care-giving duties. The globalization process has affected families in both Mexico and United States economy was transforming the relationship between work and care-giving in similar ways everywhere. Globalization has forcing both countries to at a very high pace as far as labor standards and social policies are concerned hence leaving working parents with less and less time to raise their children. Parents’ work has shifted markedly around the world and that goes for every region. The child rearing process has been left in the hands of maids who offer supportive care while the parents are away working till late hours of the day. Men in particular have been moving away from one place to another in search of better jobs especially in various industries. Globalization has made men and women to work day and night and this has made them move away from their homes to go work in various places. A good example is that of outsourcing where people work in shifts where some work during the day and others at night. Women, likewise, have moved into the paid labor force and away from the home. From the period between 1960 and 2000 the number of women in the labor force went from 26 to 38 percent in America. The percentage of women in the workplace has increased both in the United States and Mexico. This has adversely affected the family care services that were provided by the women while their men were working in various sectors. This is a result of civilization which been brought about by the factors such as education, religion, work, urbanization among others. These factors have changed the various roles that were supposed to be executed by the family so as to prepare an individual to be a responsible member of the society. (Cecil, 1992) What has happened is that the world has seen women get better job opportunities which has assisted then them raise income to cater for their families. The increased number of single parent families has made it possible for the women to struggle to get money for rearing their families. While this is was going on there is also massive urbanization occurring all across the world. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as people who move from very poor rural areas to urban areas often get better jobs, and become less dependent on, for instance, a good rain to feed their families. (Rowntree, Lewis, Price & Wyckoff, 2006). References Hines D. A. , Morrison K. (2005) Family Violence in the United States: Defining, Understanding, and Combating. Sage Publisher. Heymann J. (2006) Forgotten Families: Ending the Growing Crisis Confronting Children and Working Parents in the Global Economy. Oxford University Press Poole M. et al (1993) Family: Changing Families, Changing Times. Allen & Unwin publisher. Robinson, Cecil. (1992). No short journeys: The interplay of cultures in the history and Literature of the borderlands. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Rowntree L. , Lewis M. , Price M. and Wyckoff W. (2006). Diversity amid Globalization: World Regions, Environment, Development. United States, Congress. House America’s (1992) Families: Conditions, Trends, Hopes, and Fears: Family policy. United States, Congress, House publisher.
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