Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Communication Skills - 17602 Words
making work Practice-Based Learning Communication SKILLS A resource commissioned by the Making Practice Based Learning Work project, an educational development project funded through FDTL Phase 4 Project Number 174/02 and produced by staff from the University of Ulster. Tara Dixon, Project Manager, University of Ulster Martin O’Hara, Management Consultant Author Aims and Learning Objectives 2 Introduction 3 Section 1: The Communication Process 4 Section 2: Active Listening Skills 10 Section 3: Non-verbal Communication 13 Section 4: Giving Constructive Feedback 18 Section 5: Questioning Skills 23 Section 6: Presentation Skills 28 Appendix 1 33 References 38 Communication Skills†¦show more content†¦Only then can we identify where possible problems can arise and explore skills for enhancing communication and managing such breakdowns. Human beings are not passive, predictable objects who always interpret meanings and react as they are ‘supposed to’. Neither is communication a passive, predictable, one way event. Rather, communication can be viewed as an active process, influenced by all the complexities and ambiguities of human behaviour. It is also fraught with potential points of breakdown. As Clampitt notes, ‘We actively construct meanings within a unique vortex that includes the words used, the context of the utterances, and the people involved.’(2005, p.8) A more accurate way of looking at the process of communication is probably as a dynamic, circuitous process in which elements such as non-verbal behaviour and individual styles of interpreting and ascribing meaning to events have significant influence. Strategies such as constructing a clear, unambiguous message can encourage effective communication, but so too can seeking to understand meanings imposed by the listener via processes such as actively listening to feedback, as we shall see. Many models have been developed to simplify and summarise the complex reality of the communication process and to aid our understanding. Some of these are more helpful than others, but all have their shortcomings. The ‘Typical Communication Model’ developed by Clampitt (2005) demonstrates a number of key elements in theShow MoreRelatedEffective Communication And Communication Skills Essay1146 Words  | 5 Pagesa team to collaborate, delegate and consult. In order for this team effort to be effective, good communication skills must exist between medical professionals. Many times, messages can be altered and interpreted differently; if the conditions for transmission barriers develop. External barriers and internal barriers, such as confusion and mental status can hinder effective communication. 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