Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Communication Skills - 17602 Words
making work Practice-Based Learning Communication SKILLS A resource commissioned by the Making Practice Based Learning Work project, an educational development project funded through FDTL Phase 4 Project Number 174/02 and produced by staff from the University of Ulster. Tara Dixon, Project Manager, University of Ulster Martin O’Hara, Management Consultant Author Aims and Learning Objectives 2 Introduction 3 Section 1: The Communication Process 4 Section 2: Active Listening Skills 10 Section 3: Non-verbal Communication 13 Section 4: Giving Constructive Feedback 18 Section 5: Questioning Skills 23 Section 6: Presentation Skills 28 Appendix 1 33 References 38 Communication Skills†¦show more content†¦Only then can we identify where possible problems can arise and explore skills for enhancing communication and managing such breakdowns. Human beings are not passive, predictable objects who always interpret meanings and react as they are ‘supposed to’. Neither is communication a passive, predictable, one way event. Rather, communication can be viewed as an active process, influenced by all the complexities and ambiguities of human behaviour. It is also fraught with potential points of breakdown. As Clampitt notes, ‘We actively construct meanings within a unique vortex that includes the words used, the context of the utterances, and the people involved.’(2005, p.8) A more accurate way of looking at the process of communication is probably as a dynamic, circuitous process in which elements such as non-verbal behaviour and individual styles of interpreting and ascribing meaning to events have significant influence. Strategies such as constructing a clear, unambiguous message can encourage effective communication, but so too can seeking to understand meanings imposed by the listener via processes such as actively listening to feedback, as we shall see. Many models have been developed to simplify and summarise the complex reality of the communication process and to aid our understanding. Some of these are more helpful than others, but all have their shortcomings. The ‘Typical Communication Model’ developed by Clampitt (2005) demonstrates a number of key elements in theShow MoreRelatedEffective Communication And Communication Skills Essay1146 Words  | 5 Pagesa team to collaborate, delegate and consult. In order for this team effort to be effective, good communication skills must exist between medical professionals. Many times, messages can be altered and interpreted differently; if the conditions for transmission barriers develop. External barriers and internal barriers, such as confusion and mental status can hinder effective communication. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of Othello By William Shakespeare - 1240 Words
Rationale In Part Four of the course, Critical Study, we studied Shakespeare’s tragedy, Othello. This is a play that comprises of enduring themes of love, betrayal, jealousy, appearance versus reality, racism, and revenge. I chose to write a diary for this play because we are only presented with the facade of these characters. Throughout the play, the audience is left to wonder what goes on behind the scenes. And the only way to achieve this is to put ourselves in their shoes in order to experience their thoughts and feelings. My written task is written from the point of view of Iago-villain of the play. Iago is a character who is obsessive, relentless, and ingenious in his efforts to manipulate and deceive other characters but he is a†¦show more content†¦Lastly, throughout his journal, he refers to Othello as the Moor. And that was done to clearly emphasize their relationship. Towards the end, I ensured that Iago’s thoughts on paper were more structured because his power level increase, he was in control. Word Count: 299 Entry # 1 30th September, 1571 Dear Diary, I am the loneliness that sits over my own roof with brooding wings. Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets. These secrets need to be shared and I confide in you to keep my secrets with me. There is an undeniable rage built inside me. I do not know the cause. Whatever has caused uncertainty in my mind has turned my heart into ice. But I Iago, will not be defeated. The only solution to this problem is vengeance. I will find reasons for my revenge. Journal Entry # 2 6th October, 1572 Dear Diary, Some fellows have some soul. That Moor gave my election to be lieutenant to that book-keeper, Cassio. Oh what discredit! Passing a great soldier for a mere prattle without practice. Stupidity! Oh I hate him! He has betrayed me. Taken away what rightfully belongs to me! This was my moment. This was my chance to be chosen. Why didn’t I get the position? Why? Why? It should have been me. It should have been me! And to make matters worse, he has done my office. From now onwards, I will not let my outward appearance show the native act and figure of my heart. People are betrayers. But as we have heard it been said, an eye for an eye and a
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Effect of Physical Barriers on the Growth of P. Polycephalum free essay sample
The slime mould will attempt to bypass the barrier to reach the oats. Independent Variable: The path provided by the colored Lego blocks. Dependant Variable: The path in which the Polycephalum Constants: The size of the dish, the species of slime mold, the light the slime mold received, and the temperature it was kept. ] 1. After two days of growth, did P. Polycephalum connect the oats throught the shortest distance? Yes a. Can you provide evidence through quantitative data? The slime mold grew 15. 2 centimeters from the start to the end of the path b. Does this mean the Lego blocks acted as an effective barrier for the slime mould? The slime mold did connect the oats, but the slime mold attempted to connect the oats through different paths such as over and under the Lego block. 2. What other observations did you make after two or three days of growth? Provide pictures or quantitative data. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Physical Barriers on the Growth of P. Polycephalum or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some of the slime mold attempted and escaped from the petri dish. Black bread mold also grew on the petri dish. 3. Why is it important that P. Polycephalum is able to sense and respond to barriers? a. How would the behavior of limiting growth to the shortest distance between the oats be the best behavior for survival Because the polycephalum grows slowly and would die without feeding, finding the fastest way to the food is important for survival . In what situations would finding around the barrier be beneficial to survival? If slime mold is growing in our classroom, and my desk is blocking the oats, the slime mould should be able to take a short distance around my desk and not got over top of it. 4. Find and describe an example in which a human imposed barrier has limited the spread of a plant, animal, human pathogen, or an invasive speacies. The Black Death was the worst outbreak of disease in the history of human beings. 5 million people died during the outbreak. Of course people tried to contain the disease in many different ways. Merchant ships were turned away, imports and exports were cancelled and the isolation of those infected with the plague. A city named Milan was able to stop the outbreak by noticing the disease early and isolating the patients in three different houses 5. Find and describe an example in which barriers have not been effective in controlling a plant, animal, human pathogen, or an invasive species.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Bhangra Essay Essay Example
Bhangra Essay Paper Bha?g?a ( Punjabi: ( Gurmukhi ) . ( Shahmukhi ) . ( Devanagari ) ; pronounced [ pa? ] ) is a signifier of dance and music that originated in the Punjab part. [ 1 ] Bhangra dance began as a common people dance conducted by Punjabi Sikh husbandmans ( Jatts ) to observe the coming of the crop season. The specific moves of Bhangra reflect the mode in which villagers farmed their land. This dance art further became synthesized after the divider of India. when refugees from different parts of the Punjab shared their common people dances with persons who resided in the parts they settled in. This intercrossed dance became Bhangra. The common people dance has been popularised in the western universe by Punjabi Sikhs [ 2 ] and is seen in the West as an look of South Asiatic civilization as a whole. [ 3 ] Today. Bhangra dance survives in different signifiers and manners all over the Earth – including dad music. movie soundtracks. collegiate competitions and even endowment shows. We will write a custom essay sample on Bhangra Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bhangra Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bhangra Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Bhangra dance is based on a Punjabi common people dhol round called ‘bhangra’ vocalizing and the round of the dhol membranophone. a single-stringed instrument called the iktar ( ektara ) . the tumbi and the chimta. Bhangra music nevertheless. is a signifier of music that originated in 1980s in Britain. The attendant vocals are little pairs written in the Punjabi linguistic communication called bolis. They relate to current issues faced by the vocalists and ( dil di gal ) what they truly want to state. In Punjabi common people music. the dhol’s smaller cousin. the dholki. was about ever used to supply the chief round. Nowadays the dhol is used more often in common people music nevertheless in bhangra dholki is still preferred. with and without the dholki. Extra percussion. including tabla. is less often used in bhangra as a solo instrument but is sometimes used to attach to the dhol and dholki. The dholki membranophone forms in Bhangra music bear an confidant similarity to the beat in Reggae music. This beat serves as a common yarn which allows for easy commingling between Punjabi common people and Reggae as demonstrated by such creative persons as the UK’s Apache Indian. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] In the late sixtiess and 1970s. several Punjabi Sikh bands from the United Kingdom set the phase for Bhangra to go a signifier of music alternatively of being merely a dance. The success of many Punjabi creative persons based in the United Kingdom. created a fanbase. divine new creative persons. and found big sums of support in both East and West Punjab. These creative persons. some of whom are still active today. include. Heera Group. Alaap. A. S. Kang and Apna Sangeet. Bhangra has developed as a combination of dances from different parts of the Punjab part. The term â€Å"Bhangra†now refers to several sorts of dances and humanistic disciplines. including Jhumar. Luddi. Giddha. Julli. Daankara. Dhamal. Saami. Kikli. and Gatka. * Jhumar. originally from Sandalbar. Punjab. comprises an of import portion of Punjab common people heritage. It is a graceful dance. based on a specific Jhumar beat. Dancers circle around a membranophone participant while singing a soft chorus. * A individual executing the Luddi dance topographic points one manus behind his caput and the other in forepart of his face. while rocking his caput and weaponries. He typically wears a field loose shirt and sways in a snake-like mode. Like a Jhumar terpsichorean. the Luddi terpsichorean moves around a dhol participant. * Womans have a different and much milder dance called Giddha. The terpsichoreans enact poetries called bolis. stand foring a broad assortment of topics  everything from statements with a sister-in-law to political personal businesss. The beat of the dance depends on the membranophones and the handclaps of the terpsichoreans. * Daankara is a dance of jubilation. typically performed at nuptialss. Two work forces. each keeping colourful staffs. dance around each other in a circle while tapping their sticks together in beat with the membranophones. * Dancers besides form a circle while executing Dhamal. They besides hold their weaponries high. agitate their shoulders and caputs. and cry and shriek. Dhamal is a true folk-dance. stand foring the bosom of Bhangra. * Women of the Sandalbar part traditionally are known for the Saami. The terpsichoreans dress in brilliantly colored kurtas and full flowing skirts called lehengas. * Like Daankara. Kikli features braces of terpsichoreans. this clip adult females. The terpsichoreans cross their weaponries. keep each other’s custodies. and whirl around singing common people vocals. Occasionally four misss fall in custodies to execute this dance. * Gatka is a Punjabi Sikh soldierly art in which people use blades. sticks. or stickers. Historians believe that the 6th Sikh guru started the art of Gatka after the martyrdom of 5th guru. Guru Arjan Dev. Wherever there is a big Punjabi Sikh population. there will be Gatka participants. frequently including little kids and grownups. These participants normally perform Gatka on particular Punjabi vacations. In add-on to these different dances. a Bhangra public presentation typically contains many energetic stunts. The most popular stunt is called the Moor. or Inachis io. in which a terpsichorean sits on someone’s shoulders. while another individual bents from his trunk by his legs. Two-person towers. pyramids . and assorted whirling stunts are besides popular. [ 16 ] Outfits Traditional work forces wear a chaadra while making Bhangra. A chaadra is a piece of fabric wrapped around the waist. Work force besides wear a kurta. which is a long Indian-style shirt. In add-on. work forces wear pagadi ( besides known as turbans ) to cover their caputs. In modern times. work forces besides wear turla. the fan attached to the pagadi. Colorful waistcoats are worn above the kurta. Fumans ( little balls attached to ropes ) are worn on each arm. Womans wear a traditional Punjabi frock known as a salwar kameez. long loose-fitting bloomerss tight at the mortise joint ( salwar ) and a long colourful shirt ( kameez ) . Women besides wear chunnis. colourful pieces of fabric wrapped around the cervix. These points are all really colourful and vivacious. stand foring the rich rural colourss of Punjab. [ 17 ] Besides the above. the Bhangra frock has different parts that are listed below in item: * Turla or Torla. which is a fan like adornment on the turban * Pag ( turban. a mark of pride/honor in Punjab ) . This is tied otherwise than the traditional turban one sees Sikhs erosion in the street. This turban has to be tied before each show * Kurta – Similar to a silk shirt. with about 4 buttons. really loose with embroidered forms. * Lungi or Chadar. A loose loincloth tied around the dancer’s waist. which is normally really adorned. * Jugi: A vest. with no buttons. * Rumal: Small ‘scarves’ worn on the fingers. They look really elegant and are effectual when the custodies move during the class of bhangra public presentation. . . and you can see a exposure of a bhangra dhol drummer. costumed and in full swing. Harmonizing to Sanjay Sharma. in her article. [ 11 ] she explains/points out the fact that Bhangra represents Asians and is referred to today as Asian music which accounts for the huge being of Asiatic wear and non to advert symbols as portion of their traditional dress/costumes Instruments Many different Punjabi instruments contribute to the sound of Bhangra. Although the most of import instrument is the keyboard. Bhangra besides features a assortment of twine and other membranophone instruments. The primary and most of import instrument that defines Bhangra is the dhol. The dhol is a big. high-bass membranophone. played by crushing it with two sticks – known as daggah ( deep terminal ) and tilli ( soprano terminal ) . The breadth of a dhol tegument is about 15 inches in general. and the dhol participant holds his instrument with a strap around his cervix. The twine instruments include the guitar ( both acoustic and electrical ) . bass. sitar. tumbi. fiddle and sarangi. The trap. Toms. dhad. dafli. dholki. and damru are the other membranophones. The tumbi. originally played by common people creative persons such as Lalchand Yamla Jatt and Kuldip Manak in true common people recordings and so famously mastered by chamkila. a celebrated Punjabi common people vocalist ( non bhangra vocalist ) . is a high-tone. single-string instrument. It has merely one twine. nevertheless it is hard to get the hang. The sarangi is a multi-stringed instrument. slightly similar to the fiddle and is played utilizing meends. The sapera produces a beautiful. high-pitched wiry round. while the supp and chimta add an excess. light sound to Bhangra music. Finally. the dhad. dafli. dholki. and damru are instruments that produce more drum beats. but with much less bass than the dhol membranophone.
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